Cuts everywhere

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I see people everyday with a questioned face so I ask myself 'Why are they looking at me like that?' Then I remember "Oh wait is my fucking arm"

I have cuts in my arms and legs

I just can't stand people not appreciating me anymore

I do something for them

And hey just be a douche and don't thank me for it

Who else hates that?

I understand sometimes they forget

But taking credit for something I did? No, hell no

I'm thinking of myself in the future
A sad and lonely Bastard
No family
No house
Just a hobo nobody cares about

I hate everybody that doesn't at least say Thx

And this is what I feel

There's people that I wanna get a surprise to

But then surprise that person prefers not to meet until older

I'm spending time so I can meet online friends

But they don't want me to

So I'll just Fuck off already

You don't like what I have to give?

Go Fuck yourself and be happy I was here for you when you needed me

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