Cloudy Days

20 3 0

She hits me.

She insults me.

Yes, I smartmouth, but it is but a cry for attention.

I want to feel love.

I want to feel what a family is really like.

Every day, there is someone complainng about me.

"She gets to do this, she gets to do that"

I am not as free as I am thought to be.

Chained by my own thoughts, I lie still.

Like a butterfly to-be in a cocoon, althought I doubt

That is what I'll become.

Shedding no tears

Shooting icy glares

But it can only be so thick that I feel this way.

Inside, I am but a wandering spirit

Questioning things that have never been asked

Badmouthed only for my ingenuity

Though I do not cry visible tears, they are still there

Invisible, waiting to be seen

These feelings and thoughts I can tell no one

For no one understands.

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