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I jump out of bed an hour early. I brush my teeth,cut my wrist,get dressed,and run to school. A few people are there but I avoid them. I open my locker and grab my stuff. "Go away!" A girl yells as she slams my locker shut just as I pulled my fingers out of the way. I just ignore her and sit down under a willow tree. More people start to arive. I open one of my spare notebooks and start to draw. I drew a picture of a mansion and a river and even a cat in a park. "What are you doing!?" Princess says as her and her friends walk over to me. "You can't come to school looking like that!" They laugh as I pick up my bag and start to leave. I tryed to walk right past them put princess suddenly punched me in the stomach. I gasp as I try to breath. I run right to class and sit in the back as far away as posable. The day went by fast and I stayed at school an hour after it was let out I slowly walk home and climb up the side of the house, jumping into my room I find a grussum mess. My entire room is torn to shreds. I walk downstairs and flinch as my mother slaps me. I whimper as my father tryed to stab me with a knife. I ignore my brother and sister as they throw glass and knives at me. I eat what I can grab and run to my room. I hid the food under my bed and lock my door. I cut my wrist and pull out an ipod. I stole it from a girl at school. I program it so I can listen to my music and press play. Rainbow Factory starts to play quietly and I hum along. I pull out the knife I keep in a small hole under a lose floorboard. I smile and put it back knowing I need to bide my time so I can kill my family at the right point in time. I curl up in bed and fall asleep,drifting into an imaginary world.

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