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I jerk awake in my own room. I look around knowing that I had just died,and that I shouldn't be here. I can hear my mother screaming at my father. I quickly get dressed and pet my cat minina as she strolles out from under my bed. I jump out the window and run to school. I finely finished and ran back home. "Get rid of this!" My mother screames as she throws minina at me. I scream and catch her. I glare at my mother. "No." I say loudly. "What did you just say!" My father screames as I set minina down and she runs to my room. He grabs my heard and bangs it against a counter. My mother hit me upside the head with a pot And brother and sister stab me. I cry,I cry for the first real time in my life. Then the crying turns to laughter. I race upstairs and grab the knife. I slowly hum a song as I make the way down the stairs. I stab my mother through the neak and snap my father's neak. I killed my sister with a blow to the heart and then I turn and break my brothers skull open. Then I grab the phone. "911 what is your emergency?" The lady on the phone asks. "I killed my family. Hehe oh their blood is so beautiful and smooth." A raspy voice says. I relies it's mine. "Mam!? Mam please!? Please calm down and turn yourself in!?" The lady screames. "Oh not until the rest are dead!" I laugh as I hang up the phone. Minina strolles past me and out the back door. I make my way into the backyard. "Hahahahahahhahahahha this will be a night to remember!" I laugh. I turn and walk into the forest,darkness suronding my last pice of incense and I was gone,and there is no return.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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