Hold Onto Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf; only Cassidy and the world surrounding her.

Hold Onto Me - Mayday Parade

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Holy Season 5A is over!

Despite whatever everyone else thinks, I very much enjoyed the first half of this season.

So here is the Finale, I will not be writing anything that will be considered 'next' past this finale since 5X11 will be happening on the same night.

HOWEVER...I think I'm actually going to go back and write some stuff from season 2, because I like to work backwards, obviously lol.

Thanks to everyone who read/reviewed/liked and all that stuff for Turn It Off!

So this story is based on 5X09-10 so SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW EPISODES!

Welcome Back to Cassidy Snyder's World!


Hold Onto Me

I know I've got my problems and it starts with me

She saw something inside that I can't seeAnd late at night, yeah she'll comfort meHold onto me, hold onto me

Come rescue me, Come rescue me

Don't you ever leave, Don't you ever leaveI know we got our problems and it's probably meSo hold onto me, hold onto me

She felt numb. Completely and utterly numb. Ever since Liam and Hayden went missing a week ago everything had changed. It was like they were all happy that they found the two, well Theo actually found them, but then Kira went away to figure out what the hell was going on with her, and then they all just stopped talking. And it wasn't just her. Everyone had been distant. Sadly, for the most part it had been easier. Each of them were keeping secrets from one another. Cassidy included.

Ever since the night she imagined Travis, her mood cycles have been dangerous. She had been taking her pills regularly like every day, but it wasn't helping. Her anxiety was on an all-time high. She couldn't tell if she was having manic episodes or just her mind overworking. But on top of that she kept seeing Travis.

Everywhere she turned, Cassidy saw him. In the hallways at school, standing outside her window, in random faces walking by, he was everywhere. She knew it was all in her head but it just wouldn't stop. She should have never read that book. She should have never pushed her mental state with it. It was all her fault. She knew what the consequences were and now they were coming on stronger than before.

On top of her own denial, she was dealing with the overwhelming guilt that Stiles was putting on himself. She was trying so hard to be his support beam, but she felt like she was starting to cave in on herself. All she wanted was to be able be strong enough to support him the same way he has always done for her. Why couldn't she do that?

Cassidy laid in her bed, curled up on her right side, staring out the window. She felt so alone. She wasn't use to sleeping alone since her and Stiles have been taking turns on whose house they would sleep at. Not wanting to be alone. But now that they were it was weighing down on her mind. She was ultimately scared of what he would do by himself, the same way she was scared of herself at the moment.

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