Taken: Malum

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A/N: so I know I've been gone a long time, I've been under lots of stress with school and everything. I don't know why they feel the need to pack us with so much damn homework... Anyway, onto the story....

Calum's P.O.V.
Mikey and I were walking around in the mall that was outside Sydney just for something to do. We were best friends and we moved out of our families houses with Luke and Ashton and bought an apartment together. But Luke and Ashton didn't want to go with us, so we just went by ourselves. Lately, I noticed things about Mikey. How he bit his lip when he was nervous to the way he scratches at his head when he is thinking. But I'm pretty sure that Mikey is straighter than a steel beam.
But anyway, Mikey wanted to go into GameStop to buy another video game to be obsessed with while I told him I would be outside waiting for him. I looked around at all the people because I loved to people watch, but then I saw someone looking at me weirdly. I didn't act upon it, thinking that they would just look away. I looked back and he's coming over to me, in a fast walk. I start to panic, looking back at the store to debate whether I should go in and look for Mikey. But as I was still making my getaway, I was snatched, a hand over my mouth so no one could hear me scream.
As I was being dragged away, Mikey came out of the store and saw me. I gave him a look of panic and he pulled out his phone, dialing triple zero. (A/N: I guess this is like the 911 in Australia....) He began running to me but I was already being thrown into the back of a van, doors slamming and we drove away from safety, from home, from Mikey.
Michael's P.O.V.
I was looking at the selection of video games, wondering which new game I should get, but then my mind shifted to Calum. Just thinking about him gives me butterflies. I know he told me he was bisexual, which gave me a little bit of hope. You see, I'm gay, I just act like I like girls so I don't have to deal with a whole bunch of questions about my sexuality. Calum makes everything okay. If I'm having a bad day, a Calum-cuddle makes it all better, if I have a problem, a heart-to-heart with Cal will help me solve my problems. But I don't know if he thinks of me as a friend or more, and I want to find out.
As I pick out Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, I walked over to the counter, paying for it. I walk back outside to meet Cal, only to find him not where he was originally seated, but was being dragged away by a big bulky man with a black ski mask on, pretty typical of a kidnapper. I ran to him, trying to catch him before the guy got away. I pulled out my phone, dialing triple zero while the kidnapper threw Calum into the back of a black van and drove away. I think my heart broke, the look of panic on Calum's face made me feel useless because I can't help my best friend in need.
I start panicking, wondering if he's hurt or if I'd ever see him again... alive. I bring the police back to the apartment, where Ashton and Luke were asking questions about why they were there and where Calum was.
Calum's P.O.V.
As soon as he threw me in the back of the van, I start having a panic attack. What if I don't make it out alive? What if I never see Mikey, Luke or Ashton again? What about my family? I'm not ready to die yet. I then remember that I have a phone with a 67% charge on it. I turn my phone's GPS on so the police, Mikey, Ash or Luke (hopefully Mikey) might think to track my phone. The van comes to a complete stop and the double van doors open and a big beefy man grabs me by my shirt and pulls me along with him to a room which a chair which is screwed to the floor, built in neck, hand and leg restraints and no windows. This was going to be complete torture and I just hope they come for me soon.
The man goes to throw me on the chair and my head hits the seat. He picks me up from the floor and fastens the hand restraints, the leg restraints soon after. He went to put my head back, but I bit his hand, which earned me a hard smack across my face. He grabs me by my hair and pulls my head back and tightened the neck restraint. When he finished, he turned around to face me. The first thing he spoke to me was, "You're worth a lot of money, did you know that?" I didn't answer him, resulting in a blow to the stomach. "Answer me when I'm talking to you," he shouted at me. Still no response. "Alright, a hard shell to crack, aren't we?" He leaves the room and comes back with a 6 inch pocket knife. He flipped it open and held it to my throat.
"Now, you're going to talk or we're going to have some problems. My problem is a dead body and your problem, is...well, it's pretty much self-explanatory. I said, you're worth a lot of money, aren't you?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Now, I'm going to have you call your little friends and you will only say what I want you to. Anything else and I'll have to... teach you a lesson." "Okay," I said, a sob caught in my throat just thinking about Luke, Ashton, and most importantly, Mikey. "Tell them I want $30,000 dollars by tomorrow night, and take it to the old alley way beside the library in downtown Sydney. And tell them 3 to come alone. If I so much as hear a police sirens, I will not hesitate to kill you." "He types in a phone number, not sure how he got one of the guys' numbers, and presses the green call button. He holds it up to my ear and someone picks up after the second ring, "Hello?" "Mikey," I whisper. "Calum, where are you? I'm so scared right now, we are trying to find you." "Mikey, listen to me. You need to get $30,000 and take it to the old alley way beside the library in downtown Sydney tomorrow night. You, Luke and Ashton need to come alone because he said if you don't, he won't hesitate to......" I trail off, and start crying. "He's going to kill me if he doesn't get his money, Mikey." "Don't worry, Cal, baby, we're going to get you back, I promise." The man motioned for me to hurry up, "I have to go now, Mikey," I said reluctantly. "Okay Calum, stay as safe as possible.... I love you." My heart broke at those words, "I love you too, Mikey. Please hurry." And with that, the man hung up and walked out of the room, leaving me to cry alone, hoping I was with Mikey instead of being here.
Michael's P.O.V.
I was over on the couch with my head in my hands with Luke and Ashton on either side of me while we had a police crew nearby just in case anything suspicious happened. I couldn't bear the thought of losing Calum, I can't believe I left him outside the shop, all by himself. I feel guilty because he was kidnapped on my watch, I should have been there for him. 'Dude, it's not your fault," Ashton tried to sooth me, rubbing my back. "But it is! If I was there with him, this wouldn't have happened. And the only one I can blame is myself." Everything went silent for a little bit until I heard my phone's ringtone going off. The caller ID said 'Restricted Number.' I looked at the police, "It's a restricted number, what should I do?" "Answer it." I reluctantly accepted the call, "Hello?" "Mikey." Calum whispered over the phone. "Calum, where are you? I'm so scared right now, we are trying to find you." "Mikey, listen to me. You need to get $30,000 and take it to the old alley way beside the library in downtown Sydney tomorrow night. You, Luke and Ashton need to come alone because he said if you don't, he won't hesitate to......," I knew what he was going to say, I just didn't want to hear it, "He's going to kill me if he doesn't get him money, Mikey." I heard gasps from Luke and Ashton, my eyes started to brim with tears at the thought of losing Calum. "Don't worry, Cal, baby, we're going to get you back, I promise." And the moment I was not waiting for, "I have to go now, Mikey." I internally sighed, "Okay, Calum, stay as safe as possible...... I love you," I threw the 'I love you' in because I just wanted to let him know and to give him some reassurance that we were going to get him back. "I love you too, Mikey. Please hurry." And the line went dead. I threw my phone on the couch and leaned back, already mentally exhausted. "We've traced the call. It's about an hour from here. And due to the possible danger, we ask that you stay here and we'll be back as soon as possible." A chorus of agreeable words were mumbled between the 3 boys and with that, the police force left, leaving the 3 worried and helpless boys to wait for Calum's return.
Calum's P.O.V.
I've been here for what feels like forever, when, in reality, it's been probably 5 hours. I hear commotion upstairs and the heavy sound of boots hitting the wood flooring. "Hey, I'm down here, hey," I yelled to the people upstairs. I felt this bubble of relief fill me as the door opened and police filled the room. They unstrapped me and walked me back up the stairs and into one of their cars. I opened the car door, slid in and buckled myself in. The ride back felt like forever because of how badly I wanted to see Luke, Ash and Mikey. I wonder if Mikey meant that 'I love you.' I really hope he did. I watched as we passed other cars on the highway, people walking their dogs on the sidewalk, and children playing on the playground. Sooner rather than later, we pulled into the apartment parking lot and I got out, along with the officer who drove, we walked up and into the doors of the apartment building. We took the elevator to the third floor and when the doors opened I rushed to the door and knocked fiercely on the cheap wooden door.
Michael's P.O.V.
Two hours feels like forever when you're stuck waiting for something to happen or someone to come back to you. I was laying on the couch, scrolling through Twitter because there was nothing else to do, an arm above my head, one foot on and one foot off the couch when a loud knock sounds on the door. I walk over to answer it and when I opened it, Calum pulled me in for a needed hug and he didn't let go. I looked at the officer, and shook my head, mouthing a 'thank you' to the man and he walked away. I pulled Cal inside and closed the door. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "Did you really mean it?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, "Mean what?" He looked down, now more interested in the floor than me, "Right before the man hung up," he took a deep breath, "You told me you loved me. Did you actually mean it?" I took his chin in my hand and brought his eyes up to meet mine. "Of course I did, what's not to love?" His face broke out in a wide, toothy grin, "Good, because I love you, too."
We both leaned in slowly and our lips lightly brushed and we pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes. I felt myself leaning back in for another kiss, as did Calum. But this one was needier, hungrier, and more passionate. He lightly pushed me down onto the couch and put one leg on each side of mine, straddling me. We started to make out heavily until Calum got snatched from my grip by Luke and Ashton. They were all hugging and I joined them, out group being fully reunited once again. "I knew there was something with you two," Luke said, talking about Cal and I. "Yeah, you guys are so cute together," Ashton chimed in, happily. "Hey," Calum pouted, "I'm not cute, I'm hot." I smiled at him, "Nah, I'd say you're the cute one. I'm the hot one." We all laughed, all happy now that Calum was back and okay. Later that night, we were all huddled on the couch, I sat down in the middle, Calum on top of me. And Ashton was on our right side, Luke on our left, just one big, warm cuddle session. We wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: okay, so I need requests, you can inbox me them or comment here. I'll try my best to upload weekly. Thanks for sticking around if you are reading this ❤

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