Chapter 4: One Shell

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—Up Above the water, the land was divided into Clans. Kiln was the most powerful with its brazen warriors. Rrenn brought forth learned and keen citizens. Lilt fostered love of music and tranquility. —Scroll of Lost Things

Kran hit the water and slid under its surface as easily as a seal. As suddenly as he had disappeared his head broke the surface of the water and he stood, water streaming from his hair into his eyes.

"Kran!" Kran looked up at Dennys' anxious face.

"What- happened-" He spluttered, spitting out saltwater.

"You wouldn't listen to me! You just kept right on walking, to the beach, and now here you are, dripping water everywhere!" Dennys shook his head in disbelief. He stretched out his hand to Kran, who grasped it and clambored out of the water.

"What's in your hand there?" Dennys asked, pointing. Kran looked down at his clenched fist and slowly, opened it up.

In the palm of his hand was a gleaming, sparkling shell. It was golden-green in hue, and glittered as the sun caught it. It was pleasantly heavy and tingled faintly in his hand. For a few moments, all Dennys and Kran could do was stare mesmorized at the shimmering shell.

"What do you think it is?" Dennys finally asked.

"Not sure," Kran admitted sheepishly. "I do know who can tell us, though." With that, he gingerly tucked the shell into his pocket and they turned to walk back into Kiln.


It was now dark. Kran and Dennys, clothed in their scarlet Kilnian cloaks, strode along the dark streets of Marr.

"Look, Kran, it's your affair," Dennys said slowly, "But why must we bring a Rrennian into this? Murry- well, I understand that, he's your cousin- but a know-it-all Rrennan-"

Kran turned to face Dennys and walked backward. "I've explained to you before, Dennys. Sandy Kyrial- he's different. He's saved my life before. I'm not about to leave him out now. Besides, he's the only one who could tell me what it is. I have to know. I must know!" They continued to walk until they reached the Rrenn outposts.

Of all the Clans, Rrenn was the most intruiging for Kran. Kiln was his home and sanctuary, but everyone knew about it. Rrenn had an aura of mystery about it. In all his years of knowing Sandy, he had only spoke about his Clan once, and Kran had never been inside its borders.

"State your name." The cold, thrilling voice of a Rrennian Regent cut through the night. Kran gulped slightly, though he kept himself impassive. He peered up at the glistening silver gates formed in the shape of giant wings.

"Kran Maverick and Dennys Tarkk, Kilnians," he said slowly and clearly. "I wish passage into Rrenn to greet my good friend and comrade, Sandy Kyrial, apprentice to be a Rrennian Regent."

There was silence for a moment and all Kran could hear was the cold wind snatching at his cloak and the hot breath of Dennys at his neck.

"Since you be a Kilnian, I will not bother with the standard Wayfarers Riddle," the Regent said finally. "You may pass on. However, I must have proof that you are entering for the reasons you claim."

Kran reached into his cloak, seized a roll of parchment, and held it up into the darkness for the Regent to look at. It was taken, though Kran did not know where, and the rustling of paper was heard.

"It is a scroll written in the hand of Sandy Kyrial, requesting my prescence tonight," Kran said quietly. Though his heart was beating a mile a minute, he managed to stay calm. Maybe there was a reason why he had passed Hazing after all.

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