Chapter 1

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I woke up surrounded by woods. About nine or ten teenage boys surrounded me.

"Who are you?" A boy with blond hair and bright, icy blue eyes was closest to me.

"We're The Jungle."

"What's that mean?"

"We're a clan." A boy with jet black hair speaks up.

"I'm scorpion." He reaches his hand out. I shake it.

"I'm Macaw. I found you on the shore." The boy with the icy eyes says. I shake his hand. The other boys tell me their names too. There's Jackdaw, Macaw, Cougar, Lynx, Leopard, Red Panda, Rhino, Wolf, Scorpion, and Alligator. Apparently they gave me a name too. Scarlet. Like the scarlet macaws. 

"Why are you guys named after animals?"

"Those are just our clan names." Jackdaw says. He tells me their real names too. Jackdaw is Jack, Macaw is Matthew, Cougar is Daniel, Lynx is Nathan, Leopard is Brandon, Red is Leo, Rhino is Randy, Wolf is Dallas, Falcon is Ryan, Scorpion is Scorpion, and Alligator is Blake. Suddenly my head starts to hurt. I put my hand up to me head. It hurts really bad. When I pull my fingers away, they're red.

"What happened?" Dallas ties a piece of fabric around my head.

"By the looks of it..." Ryan starts.

"You fell off the cliff." Dallas finishes.

"Thanks." Ryan says to Dallas sarcastically.

"How'd that happen?" I mumble to myself. They must have incredible hearing. Either that or I'm bad at whispering.

"I'm not sure." Matthew says.


"You asked how." I look at the guys. Their all shirtless. Jack seems to notice.

"You're wondering why we're not wearing shirts?"

"Kinda." Jack opens his mouth but Blake clamps a hand over his mouth.

"Hwwyww!" Jack mummers from beneath his hand. 

"Not yet." Blake says, just loud enough for me to hear. Maybe I have great hearing too!

"What can't I know yet?" Blake looks at me, surprised that I heard him.

"You'll learn soon enough, Scarlet." Matthew is still sitting next to me on the ground.

"Alligator has his reasons." 

"I still want to know why you're named after animals." Matthew's icy eyes turn dark.

"Soon enough. Blake would murder me if I told you." 

"Is there one question you can answer?"

"What is it?"

"Why did you name me Scarlet?"

"Two reasons. One you can't know yet-"

"Figures." Blake continues.

"The other, Macaw found you, so we named you Scarlet. As in Scarlet Macaw. Like the bird."

"Oh. Okay."

"Come on guys! I wanna take her to see the huts!" Jack says impatiently.

"The whats?" 

"Come on!" Jack pulls me off the ground, takes my hand and runs through the woods. I have to admit, this is really fun! I feel so at home here. It's beautiful! Jack slows down. I do too. I realize the other guys are there too. I see rows of huts lined up in the clearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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