Ramrod Straight

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To the Germans they will go
Through the freezing rain and snow
Traveling the night and day
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

Tested, beaten, stowed below
Hopes are gone, nothing to show
There's no doubt Cap's on his way
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

Sent on a mission that cannot fail
Set high above on a snow slicked rail
With Rogers on a menacing brae
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

A sacrifice to save a friend
The perfect way to reach the end
The snow white bed wherein he lay
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

Beneath the ice they must preserve
His mind, his body, and every nerve
For when they need he will obey
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

A winter soldier straight from ice
In many ways he will suffice
Once a friend turned 'round to prey
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

Numb the feelings one by one
Till the man he was is done
Everything he sees he'll slay
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

Fight the urge, remember none
Past returns, nowhere to run
They all know it's a delay
Ramrod straight his back shall stay

With friend Rogers in distress
To save him, he can do no less
He cannot fight, he can't obey
He'll break his back, he'll never stay

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