New Beginnings

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The car journey to the gym seemed boring and lifeless. Arya's car had no personality, no.....umph! Not like the Audi at all. The car she had so dearly loved had seemed like a boring old chunk of metal since Nathan had let her take "The Beast" for a spin.

Yes. She had nicknamed his car. After all, she was Beauty.

Their little....meeting was two days ago, she hadn't heard from Nathan since. Maybe she had proved Misha wrong, they would never get along because of their history. But she didn't want to be right. Yesterday had just brought back years of memories and how close they used to be.

Coming out of her thoughts, Arya pulled into the car park of the gym, finding the nearest parking space and jumped out of her car. Too eager to work off her recent thoughts in the gym, she didn't notice the Jaguar parked a few spaces from her own car.

Walking into the large silver and glass building, Arya pulled out her membership card and tapped the reader as she walked through the electronic gate. Eagerly, she pushed open one of the double doors into the women's changing rooms, missing the tall, blonde, muscled body at the counter. She quickly changed into her workout gear and made her way through to the gym, heading straight for the dumbbells.

Arya picked up the dumbbells she was intending to use, before turning around. Before she could move anywhere, she had walked face first into a hard chiselled chest.

"Oh sorry." She quickly mumbled her apology before attempting to walk around the person blocking her way, but was once again halted in her path, only this time by a firm, slightly tanned hand with a vice-like grip. "Excuse me , but if you'd kindly let go of my arm, I have a workout to get to." She harshly spat out at the person who's face she couldn't be bothered to look at, her mind was filled with another face from her haunted past.

A deep, rough voice answered, full of humour.
"Sorry, I just thought when you've known someone for eighteen years, they'd be polite enough to say hello to you." Arya looked up, completely shocked by who had spoken.

"We really have to stop meeting​ like this..." Arya looked at him incredulously. Of all places she'd run into him after three days of nothing is the same place they had their last awkward encounter, "and I thought the gentlemanly thing to do after you've dropped a girl home was call her the next day."

"What's wrong gorgeous? Were you miserable without me? Did you miss me that much in three days?" He really didn't know who he was teasing. He wanted to give it, Arya would see if he could take it.

"Oh so you were counting?" She replied cockily, trying not to give away the fact that she had been counting the days since she had made an absolute fool of herself.

"You wish."
"I don't wish, I know." And with that, she walked away to start her work out.



Arya answered the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID, towel drying her hair with her free hand.

"IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS AND YOU HAVEN'T FILLED ME IN YET!" The high pitched screaming told Arya exactly who had called.

"Hey Misha..." She said nervously, knowing exactly the way her best friend could be when she wanted something and didn't get it. In this case, it was details.

"Don't you 'hey Misha' me! Three days Arya! THREE DAYS!"

"Okay, okay, I get it." So Arya filled her friend in on the events of her meeting with Nathan, not missing out any details, especially about the house and all its glorious cars.

"Honestly woman! You need to get your head out of his garage so he can get his head in yours! He was so after it!" Misha exclaimed excitedly.

"Eeew! Girl you are gross, just because you're not a virgin, doesn't mean I need to open my legs any time soon, okay? You know exactly why that's not going to happen." Arya sternly replied to her friend. I know, she's in her twenty-somethings and still has her virginity, her super power was abstinence. Arya made a vow when she was just hitting her teens, every girl around her was talking about the sacred thing they had just thrown away without the bat of a perfectly placed fake eyelash, she swore that she would save hers for "The One".

Everyone told her that "The One" didn't exist, that it was always an illusion, that there is no man on the planet that could possibly fill that role. But Arya always knew that he was out there somewhere, and when she found him, she'd know, just like in the movies that she watched and books that she read.

"Arya, are you listening to me?! I'm giving you awesome bestie advice!" Misha stated loudly, pulling Arya out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" She quickly muttered her apology, not willing to admit to her romanticising thoughts.

"I was saying that I know the situation with you and Nathan was bad, but maybe, just maybe, it could work this time, you just have to take it slow."

Hmm take it slow... No, she wouldn't go down that dark road again.

"Hey Misha, that's great advice but have to go..." She stuttered, lying as another call was coming through on her phone, making a very irritating buzzing in her ear.

"Don't you lie to me woman, I swear to god, if you han-" Misha's mini rant was cut short as Arya hung up and answered the incoming call.

"Hi Arya, do you think we could meet up tomorrow?"


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