What's in the darkness but full of light?

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Chapter Four

"What's in the darkness but is full of light?"

Amber ran past the racks, dropping many of them in the hurry to find out what had made Jonah scream like that. She did not know how, but somehow she found a way out of the storage room. The hotel was once again dripping with silence, as it was before the scream. It turned out that the storage room that she was in, was not far from the room that Jon had gotten ready for her. It was even on the same floor, just few doors to the left. But she had no time to think how she had landed there from the balcony of her room, not at the moment at least.

All she knew that the scream had come from downstairs. Now that she was out of the storage room she could also hear groans, and she was sure that they were Jonah's. How come she hadn't heard him enter the hotel? Was it because of all the stuff laying in the storage room? Was the storeroom soundproof or something?

It didn't cross her mind that it was possible that someone was deliberately preventing her from knowing.

'What the hell was going on in this house?' she thought to herself. Still trying to get these thoughts out of her head she raced down the stairs calling out Jonah's name in hope that he would be safe and maybe, will reply to her.

She could only hope, that he was fine.

Amber found Jonah unconscious in the living room on the ground floor. He was breathing with difficulty, but his pulse was running as though he had just run a marathon.


Something was moving, maybe it was him. Was someone carrying him, he could also feel light breeze on his face. He tried to move his hand to remove the hair that was falling in his eyes from his face, but he couldn't. Since when had his hair grown so long, he had got them cut barely a week ago? He never missed his haircut schedule, it was too much of the bother. As he swayed from side to side, the movement became faster and suddenly he was bumped by something. It made Jonah want to open his eyes and a groan escaped his throat, but still his eyes did not seemed to co-operate.

He tried looking around himself with half open eyes and in semi-unconscious state, it took him but a minute to realize that he was in his own car, and it was moving.

How the hell did he get there? He looked at his side trying to control his head from rolling away but failing miserably. Amber was driving the car, which was not normal at all. She was scared of driving a bicycle on her own, what had made her drive the car?

'Why was he in the car anyway?' He thought to himself. He could see that Amber was yet to notice that he was waking up, her forehead was covered by the beads of stress.

What the hell was he missing here?

Amber's eyes were unfocused, and she was sweating profusely. He was taking his time to notice her, as his body was still not co-operating with him. He remembered being locked in behind the portrait, but after that his memory seemed to be a bit hazy. What exactly had happened after that?

How had she found him, more important thing was... where was she the whole time?

As the thoughts lingered in his mind, he started to drift off to the unconsciousness again. The swaying movement of the car and the soft breeze of the night lulled him to a dark dreamless sleep.


"What happened to him?" A tall man with features oddly similar to Jon's spoke as he rushed with her to Jon's car.

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