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Authors p.o.v

Marcela was a new enrolled student at James Madison Middle School. She was known for being smart and very positive. Chloe,Astrid,and Alicia where students who were famous for their "sense of humor" which was not funny at all. They were all eating during B lunch but chloe,astrid,and Alicia were no where to be seen. Life isn't going to be fun for the new girl.

Marcela's p.o.v

        Its my first day at Madison and I can't wait. Meeting new people,I hope they're nice. I got up from my pink soft bed and into the bathroom I went. I placed toothpaste on my brush and made circles on my teeth. Afterwards I walked out and put on some ripped jeans with a black T-shirt with lips imprinted and a vest. I took my glasses from the desktop and put them on. Here goes nothing. Walking down the stairs the smell of fresh baked biscuits and pancakes filled nostrils. "Goodmornin mom." I said very cheery and got a simple reply but very kind. "Good morning Marcy."said my mom looking tired.

         I ate up and told my mom to lay back down that I will walk to my bus stop. She nodded and headed up the stairs her golden curls bouncing up and down. I started walking and a few people looked my way and said a few words to their friends but I didn't mind,after all I was new so that's not strange. I arrived to tampania an abdella were a whole bunch of kids stood. They all looked nice except two of them but I won't judge. One thing my parents thought me was not to judge a book by its cover so that is what I'm going to do. The bus picked us up around 8:08 but she drove kind of crazy. She drove over the side walk and almost crashed 3 times.
We arrived at James Madison middle school. The late bell had rung and I was sat at guidance waiting for directions and my schedule. Mrs. Proll was the lady there and she helped me with everything she even put an escort for me her name was,Astrid M.,I believe it was. When I showed her my schedule she exclaimed that we had all the same classes so we headed of for our first class.
1:biempica civics
2:Vaitkene language arts
3:ibe science
4:Alvarez assistant
5:gym coach bosworth
6:blanco spanish
7:parker pre-algebra
My schedule seemed pretty fine and I couldn't wait to make new friends.

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