Chapter 1 Friday the 13th

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Jay rummaged through his bag which he had packed full of snacks, books, video games, and anything else he  might need for his trip. He was probably over packing like he w]always did. He prepared too much. But knowing his friends they would more than likely eat all the snacks before he could even have any.

"Jay, sweetie, hurry up or you'll be late." His mother called from downstairs.

"ALRIGHT MOM!" He shouted back before quickly zipping up his bag and rushing to turn off the light as he left his room. He rushed downstairs, nearly tripping once or twice. He walked into the kitchen to see his mother smiling brightly at him, her green eyes practically glowing with joy. Jay got his bright green eyes from his mother while his hair and build were more from his father, who happened to be sitting at the table with a calculator and some papers strewn in front of him.

"Ah, I still can't believe its your last football game, and its the championship! How exciting, I still can't believe my baby is all grown up." She smiled and started picking stray hairs off his clothes and fixing his hair.

"Moooom." Jay whined, embarrassed before rolling his eyes.

With a soft giggle she smiled up at her son, "Once your brother and sister get home, We'll head to the game alright?".

"Alright. See you at the game mom!", turning on his heals he dashed out the front door and headed to his car. It wasn't much, he had received his Mom's old car when she bought a new one.

After throwing his bag in the back seat he climbed into the driver's seat and buckled up before cranking the car to drive to the school.

*small timeskip*

Climbing on the bus, Jay and his friends picked where they would sit and all sat in the seats in the back. Jay sat by himself, insisting that his bag needs more room than his friends. 

"So, are you guys excited for tonight's show??" Lily asked, peeking over the back of her bus seat at the others. She was like a cliche cheerleader, blue eyes, blonde hair, super hot, kinda dense but bubbly. It's weird that she's in band.

" Not really. Since it is our last marching band performance in highschool." Mark chimed in, brushing his hair out of his dark brown eyes.

" I don't even want to be here. This is a terrible idea." Madison mumbled, sinking Down in her seat and hiding her face.

"Cmon you're not still on about that, 'we're all gonna die since it's Friday the 13th' are you?" Kyle groaned, craning his neck  to look at her.

" Bad things always happen on Friday the 13th." She whined.

" Nothing bad ever happened to me on Friday the 13th." A familiar voice chimed in, making Jay's head snap up in joy.

"Clair!" He exclaimed, happy to see his girlfriend. Clair was finally Jay's girlfriend after about a year and a half of him.crushing on her. It was really no susprise. Lots if guys liked her. She was thin, pretty, funny, and kind of a tomboy at times.

She smiled at Jay and brushed her short, brown hair behind her ear, revealing a few freckles that dotted her cheek, "Hey babe!"

She slipped into Jay's seat after he moved his bag for her. She snuggled up close to Jay and joined in on the conversation.

After a few more minutes of friendly chatter the bus began to move and head out of the school's parking lot.

'Only 3 more hours to go' Jay thought to himself, glancing out the window to see the road and town fly by them.

*another time skip*

After a few more hours of riding on the big yellow cheese wagon, everyone slipped on their band uniforms and piled off of the bus to the stands, getting ready for the championship game. Jay put together his clarinet and played around to warm up a little before the whole band started to warm up.

The football game pretty much carried on as every other football game did. The only difference was the location and how excited people were. Fans were shouting and yelling excitedly before the game even started. Jay grinned excitedly as he looked at the score board, noticing how far in the lead his team was.

Not only that but the halftime show was their best performance yet! The crowd on both sides loved it. As a reward their band director gave them all of third quarter to take a break and get something to eat.

His friends left a while ago to head to the consetion stands but Jay just sat there since he wasn't too hungry. But the need to pee made him get up and look around for the boys bathroom.

He felt someone bump into him and he turned around to see who. Their face was hidden by a gray hoodie but they seemed to look up a bit.

"Ah. I'm sorry." They muttered, the sound of their voice caused Jay to shiver and he realized that it was a boy.

" Don't worry about it " He replied , turning again to find the bathroom. As he started to walk away he heard the boy shout to him something about the band doing great. Jay, not wanting to respond just pretended not to hear and kept walking.

*after the game*

Everyone had loaded back onto the bus, tired, and hungry. Almost everyone fell asleep but Jay, being a night owl was playing on his 3ds. He occasionally looked out of the window to see how close they were to being home.

Lifting his green eyes up he realized that they took a different route than they had taken on the way to the football game. They were on some unknown road with woods on either side of them. In the dark of night it was really freaking creepy.

After gently moving Clair off of his lap and onto the seat, he grabbed his bag and headed to the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver; Mr.Darvy. Jay had been riding Mr.Darcy's bus since elementary school so it was normal for them to have little chats.

" Hey Darvy. Why are we on this road instead of the interstate??" Jay say his stuff in the seat beside him and looked out of the windshield into the dark night.

" All the traffic after the game would have taken hours to get out of, decided to take a backroad. It ain't a shortcut but it'll do." The old bus driver replied, smiling slightly. The two continued to talk about random subjects before Jay looked past the windshield again.

"Wait. Wh-what is that?" He saw a shape in the middle of the road and got closer to the windshield to get a better view.

" No idea." Darvy looked closer as he saw the shape too.

Jay's eyes widened as they got closer. "OH MY GOD ITS A PERSON! LOOK OUT!", he shouted in surprise.

Darvy quickly jerked the steering wheel to the side to avoid hitting the stranger in the road, but realized his mistake as the bus skidded over the top of the small hill at the side of the road and flipped.

Jay flew up as the bus tumbled into the pit leading to the woods and watched the other people inside.  It's as if gravity stopped working and everyone just floated up, that is, until his hwad slammed against the roof of the bus leaving a stinging pain and a harsh ring in his head.

Everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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