ploting 101

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The word *plot* is used to describe the structure of a story's action: the main events of the story and the order in which they happen.
A story plot normally goes like this:
1) The character and the conflict are introduced.
2) The character struggles with the conflict.
3) The character's struggle builds to a win-or-lose moment which will decide if the story ends happily or not. This moment is called the *story climax.*
4) The character either is either successful or unsuccessful in resolving the conflict.
If you have a character idea and a conflict idea, you have everything necessary to plot your story.
What's still missing is the third dimension. You'll need a setting for your story and details that will bring it to life for your reader.
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For the last lot of homework, you wrote profiles of three different characters.  Now, use at least two of the techniques above to come up with conflict ideas for these characters.  Write down each idea in your Idea Journal in the form of a short paragraph.  Don't worry about style -- the paragraph is only meant to be a record of the idea so that you can come back to it later.
Happy writing!

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