Chapter 24.

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Hey, so for some reason Watty isn't letting me post Youtube links over there > soooo Please go to Youtube and listen to this - It's the song I chose for the mood. Start it as soon as she leaves school (Page 2). Cool? Sorry for the inconvenience. 


                It had been a month since Lucas and I had first started dating. Some girls tried to celebrate that, make it a momentous occasion. I didn’t see the point. I mean, was it supposed to be like, congrats! You’ve dealt with me for a month and you’re still here! Kudos!

                If so, then I understood it more than I wanted to. Why Lucas was still with me, I had no idea. I honestly was nothing but baggage. I thought guys hated baggage. But for some reason, Lucas was still with me. And he was as sweet as ever.

                I didn’t stop being bullied, nor did my sister wake up. But I was so much happier. Lucas and I spent almost all of our time together. He mostly stopped hanging out with the emo clique, including Harley. They still talked, but I didn’t really fit in with the group, so Lucas didn’t force it. I was thankful for that. Everything was going right for me. I couldn’t believe it.

                I walked outside before school on Thursday, waiting on my porch for Lucas to pick me up. He’d started doing so after a while, even though I had a car. I had no problem with it. It meant more time with Lucas and less money on gas and repair bills every time my poor car decided to die.

                I waited for twenty minutes, but Lucas didn’t show up. I texted him three times, but he didn’t answer. Grumbling, I got into my car and drove to school, arriving ten minutes late. This wasn’t like him. I didn’t have time to grab my books from my locker, so I just ran to my first class with my notebook.

                By lunch, I still hadn’t seen Lucas. This wasn’t a huge worry because Lucas cut classes often. But he almost always told me. And why hadn’t he told me that he wasn’t going to pick me up? I didn’t mind driving, but it would have been nice not to have to sit on my porch for twenty minutes waiting.

                I tried to find him at lunch, but Lucas was still nowhere to be found. I asked Jackie, but she didn’t know either. Emily and Hayley laughed at me in the hallway as I walked around alone for the first time in weeks. Apparently, they had decided that they hated me. I didn’t really care. Emotional warfare like these girls orchestrated didn’t bother me when I knew Lucas cared for me. Nothing else really mattered. But alone in the hallway, their mean words chipped bits off of my armor, slowly wearing away at my sanity.

                For the first time in over a week, I thought of my razor. I hadn’t cut since Lucas and I started seriously dating, but I could feel its presence in my backpack like a brick. I hadn’t needed it in a while, but I had never gotten around to taking it out. But now, I was seriously thinking about it as a particularly cutting bout of words was thrown at me. I was shoved into the lockers by some unknown cheerleader. I just kept my head down, trying to remember Lucas, my sister and Jackie. I had people that cared about me. I just had to remember that.

                Another girl shoved past me, throwing a few rude names over her shoulder at me as she walked away. Jackie walked up and flipped off the cheerleader. She nudged me.

                “You okay?”

                I nodded. “Yeah.” I smiled, and for the first time in weeks, it was fake. I had to force it, to curl my cheeks unpleasantly, instead of just allowing a smile to spring up. “No problem. Hey, do you know where Lucas is?”

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