Kyle's Back and Where's Bailey?

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It was Noveber 13 and like any other day i stood there at the edge of the parking lot waiting for my older sister, but within the last 45 minutes of waiting i knew i was going to have to walk myself. It wasn't the first time i was walking home by myself, usually i would get a message 'Hey Anne gonna need you to walk home, be home late.' but today felt odd, an eerie silence leap across the parking lot as the last car left. She hadn't responded to any of my messages so I finally just reached for my phone out of my back pocket and dialed my mom, she answered with a nonchalant, "Hell-"

"Have you talked to Bailey?" I cut her off, she made a deep sigh I could tell she was sick with Bailey not answering or actually putting up with her family.

"No not today, why?" I started walking up the street and out of my school. My mother was a single mother who at a young age married my idiot father, he was a drunk for all i knew he was her high school sweetheart, they had Bailey in high school so logically my mother thought marriage was right for their situation, but me being two years younger than Bailey i knew i was the cause of her marriage to fail, she never told me why they divorced just that my father was a bad man who never paid child support for neither me or Bailey.

"She hasn't picked me up or even messaged me." I sighed and put my hood over my head as it started to drizzle. Everyone of Baileys boyfriends hated me, probably because Bailey and i were close but also because i was so weird, this new one Hayden has started to make Bailey antisocial. Shes been skipping and treating everyone like shit, honestly shes probably the smartest person i knew and with how many days and times shes skipped ill be surprised she even gets into community college.

"Okay, I'll call and see if she answers for now just go to Kyle's i guess I'll pick you up from there." I smiled and hung up with her. Kyle was my best friend, he had been for almost 7 years. We stopped being really close when his girlfriend Dani thought he was in love with me and that was almost 7 months ago, thank God he finally broke up with her crazy ass. Reason i call her crazy is because during his birthday party he barely made eye contact with me and didn't even talk to me the whole night but she made him go up stairs just to make out and when his mom caught them she blamed me!

I headed across the empty streets and into Kyle's yard. I had a slight chill from the drizzle and it was cool out, my teeth started to chatter as I rang the doorbell. Maria answered his younger sister. Her eyes widened and she hugged me with all her might. I sat my bag down and hugged her back "Hey, oh my you've gotten so big!"

"Anne!! You're here! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" She was in middle school but damn was this little girl growing bigger and more beautiful every time i saw her. Their mom came in from the kitchen and hugged me too. Kaitlyn, Kyle's mom shooed Maria away and started talking to me.

"How have you been sweetie, I heard you and Kyle are okay again," She laughed lightly, "Thank god Dani's gone i don't know what id do if that girl was still dating him." I nodded and picked up one of the treats she was cooking, Kaitlyn unlike my mom was married to a marine and a exception chef, she scolded me playfully knowing how much i loved her cooking. I gulped it down.

"Oh yeah i know, I'm glad me and him are awesome again. I was going mad without my best friend. He messaged me the other day saying he missed me and i was like me too!" I grabbed another and retreated. Kaitlyn laughed and wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing. I started to tiptoe up the stairs, is room was the first on the left, I could see him laying on his bed reading, he had some music playing really low. I got on my knees and started crawling next to his bed.

"Boo!" I jumped up ,he threw his book at me and jumped off the bed. i grabbed it right before it hit my chest, It was twilight. "Twilight? again" He picked himself up off the floor, i flung myself onto his bed and took my shoes off as he climbed in next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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