A strange place with strange faces

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Razor awoke. She had no idea where she was or how long she was out. All she knew what happened before she went out. She remembered the words; "Nothing personal." And that was it. Razor mumbled as she opened her eyes fully, attempting to roll over. She had then discovered she had been chained down to a metal bed. This got her attention as she pulled at the chains and groaned. "What the... C'mon... Dammit get off..." Razor gave up. She felt weak, literally she was light headed (though there was a nice bruise on her forehead dot where she was hit). Razor looked around, seeing that she was in a small room. It was decently silent, she heard what she though was the sound of rotating rotors and the sound of engines in the background. She was unsure where she was now. "H-H... Hello?!" Razor waited a minute before calling again. "Hello?!!" The room went into silence again. She then heard hoof steps against metal coming towards the small door. She calmly waited for the door to open. "Err... Hello?" The door opened and the head of the slimmer looking stallion popped in. He was a Zebra, stealthy, shady. He grunted, seeming to be looking at Razor. She tilted her head as she saw that the Zebra had a large amount of gauze tape wrapped around his head an over his eyes. Razor snickered, "What happened, stare at the sun too long." She nearly broke out into laughter but stifled it. The zebra growled and exited the room, slamming the door shut. She was left back in the silence again. "Ohhh okay then..." She heard louder steps coming towards the door, Razor only assumed it was the armor wearing pony who had knocked her out. She really didn't feel like wanting to talk to him, she did quite take the hit personally. The pony that knocked her out trotted in, not wearing his helmet this time. She glared up at him, trying to give him her dirtiest look. He glared back down at her with his light blue eyes. "So.", spoke the half armored pony, "You're project... I was kinda expecting you... To be asleep when we were supposed to find you." Razor scowled, "Well excuse me! I can wake up fine on my own..." She mumbled after finishing her sentence. The other pony laughed, "Hey, I could have shot you instead. You're lucky Tribolt needed you alive, Or else I would have." He poked her on the muzzle and got up, going over to the door. He stopped and looked back at her before saying, "You can call me Icestorm... And my partner is Smiley... Don't piss us off and you will get to camp in one piece." Icestorm walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. She growled. "How audacious..." She leaned her head back against the cold metal bed. "I'll show him not to piss me off..." Razor slowly drifted off back to sleep.
Razor woke up once again, she felt like she was descending, or at least the room was. How was this possible. Razor went to get up and strained herself against the chains. She laid back down and coughed. "Ugh..." She heard the engines clearer. Razor knew the sound. She was in a vertibuck, a two rotor flying vehicle made and used by the Grand Pegasus Encalve. She panicked and tried to free herself. Her blades still wouldn't activate, her batteries we're not charged fully yet. Razor felt the verti come to a stop on the ground, the engines shutting off. She heard yelling out side of the vehicle itself and heard Ice storm talking. Razor though this would be the end; tied down and ready to be shipped off to another Enclave base. She heard the yelling outside and noticed it was Icestorm who was taking to the other pony yelling, all she could make out was; "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?! I THOUGH I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPLIT AWAY FROM THE GROUP!" There was a slight pause and then Icestorm answered, "Tribolt told us to retrieve something so we went and got it! Come and look!" Razor heard three pairs of hoof steps coming over to the door. She stopped struggling and acted obedient. The door swung open and the pony who had been yelling walked in first. "What is this? I though you said it was a package?" The pony was an alicorn, a not very tall one at that. He starred down at her with his sliver eyes. He had a noticeable and very short muzzle. Apparently he was in charge. "Icestorm, why did you bring another pony with you? It's hard enough to tracker with as many as we have now." Icestorm looked down at the short alicorn. "Tri was the one who requested that we pick up something for him. He never specified what it was or where it was at. But here it is... Well.. Here she is.." The short pony scoffed, "Make sure she doesn't kill us all..." Icestorm watched the alicorn trot out befor saying, "That's an order." Icestorm looked back down at Razor, "Sure thing Split second." Razor tilted her head at the name, never hearing such as one like that. The zebra stood in the door way, his helmet on, the bright yellow smiley face sticker on his helmet starring down at her. Icestorm chuckled, "Well, welcome to our world..." Ice undid the chains and held her in his magic, levitating her off the bed and above the floor. "Let's get this 'package' to Tribolt and have a little chat with the Enclave druggie..." Smiley laughed, it wasn't a clear laugh, but it counted. Razor watched as she was levitated out of the small room and out of the vertibuck, soon blinded by the bright light of the sun, she squinted, her eyes again adjusting to the bright light. "Ugh, bright outside..." The Zebra, known as smiley followed behind Icestorm. She tried to move but went nowhere, now trapped inside of Ice's magic field. Smiley kept looking over his shoulder at Razor, just making sure she wasn't doing anything suspicious. He chuckled at her attempts to escape and looked forward again. Razor sighed as she was carried over to a building. "Don't worry too much Razor, Tribolt is a good stallion. We don't know most of his plans yet but they might hurt... A lot." Icestorm laughed. Razor growled as she ran (or at least tried to), her legs running along thin air. "When I get free I am seriously going to kick your ass!" She groaned and her legs moved faster. Ice storm still laughed, even at her attempts to run. "Oh geez. Just stop. Hahah! As if I am going to be the one getting the ass-kicking." He stopped his laughing, Turing it down to a chuckle before completely stopping. "Well, let's give Tri a nice visit." Icestorm and Smiley, (and Razor who was still floating) stepped inside the building, the door closing behind them all.

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