The Protected.

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I was born as Riley Ann Chambers, but everyone knows me as Marcii Thomas. My parents died when I was young. They were protecting me. From what? At that time I didn't know. My mothers dieing words were 'You will rise, you will fight, you will love and you shall conqour'. Growing up, I've always felt off, out of place, unwanted. Until - I was adopted. Even then I felt the same. Overtime things grew worse. My 'adoptive father', if you wanna call him that, beats me, and sometimes... rapes me. I take my pain out on my body. I cut my wrists constantly, and I have tried to commit suicde multiple times. But, it never works because someone always catches me before I end my life. I guess you can call me a 'freak'. I leave home alot, and it's usually for weeks at a time. Why'd I have to get such a crappy life?

Apparently, 'everything's' my fault. Awesome right? I sat at home, lying on my bed. My adoptive parents were downstairs. They had been arguing about, who knows what. Which meant, my father would take it out on me. I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. I shakingly awaited for my door to open. My adoptive mother, knew everything he did to me, but she didn't care. His footsteps, grew closer to my door. I seen his shadow underneath the crack of the door. I watched the door handle twist and the door come open. He walked in, quietly closing the door behind him. I clenched the sheets. He grabbed my arm and jerked me up. I knew better to tell him to stop because he'd only do worse. He slammed me against the wall, and I hit my head really hard. I screamed in pain. He threw me down on the groud and then left.

 I touched the back of my head, where I hit. When I pulled my hand away, it was covered in blood. I threw my hood over my head, and wiped the blood off my hand. I climbed out my window, and walked down the street. I could feel the blood rolling down my neck now. I got stared at by at least 3 people. I wondered if any of them could see I was bleeding. I sat down in an ally, and hoped I would bleed to death. I could feel myself begining to pass out. "Hey! HEY! Are you all right?" I heard someone ask me. I remeber myself mumbling something and then people surrounding me. The man, that found me looked only about 19 or 20.

He rode to the hospital with me, even though he didn't know me. Why would he do that? I could feel stitches being put into my head and it hurt like a bitch. When I regained full conciousness, I realized where I was. "Who are you?" I asked the man. "Easton Kade. Riley - Sorry, Marcii." he said. "How do you know my real name?" I asked confused. "I'm your protector -" Easton said. "What the hell are you talking about? 'My protector' ". I asked. "I knew your parents Serena, and Apollo. When they died, I became your protector. Riley, you are the only mortal child of Serena and Appollo." he said.

 "Mortal child? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I demanded. "Your parents were witches but they had you before they became witches." "Dude, you're nuts. You need to go check into a mental hospital." I said, trying to leave. "Riley, who do you think has saved you everytime you've tried to kill yourself?" he said. I froze, and then realized that it was him. "If that really was you, then why didn't you let me die? You've probably seen the life I live. What I go through everyday - " "Because you don't deserve to die. You are needed. You are wanted - " Oh really? By who?" "Me. I've liked you for a long time. There's only one problem, you're only 16 and I'm 19."

"You just met me Easton, how can you say you need me or want me?" I said."I need you because if you die, I die. I want you because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Easton said. "Oh, so you only want me alive so you can save yourself." "That's not true." Easton said. "Yes it is. You said it yourself, if I die you die." I said. "But, I didn't mean it like that." "Then how did you mean it?" I yelled. "Please, Riley. Lower your voice." "Who the hell do you think you are telling me to lower my voice?" I yelled louder.

"I am your protector. Please, believe me - " Easton said. "Why should I believe you?" "Because I know everything about you." "If you do then, tell me my biggest secret." I said. "You get raped by you're adoptive father" he said. "How'd you - " I said as my eyes filled with tears. "I told you. I know everything about you Riley. I can sense when things are wrong, and when somethings about to happen. That's how I always save you. Don't cry. I need to get you back to my place. There are 4 other guys who stay there too. Their names are Cody, Joey, Nathan, and Kyle. I'm warning you now, Nate has a bit of a temper, so just be prepared." "But - my parents, they'll suspect something if don't come home eventually." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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