Chapter 1: Thats what friends are for

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Adam sighed happily as the bell rang announcing the end of school and welcoming the weekend, not that he didn't like school, he loved it. It was a place of joy to him, and he enjoyed coming home to his family almost everyday, usually with a friend by his side. Adam was the popular kid in school, he didn't know why but the minute he entered the school he had friends.

Adam walked out of his geography class and began to stroll down to his locker. He was eminently greated by Tyler and Jin, who stood at his locker awaiting for his arrival.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Adam, listen we can't come to your place today, I've got to go to my cousin's house in New York and Tylers grounded"

Adam groans at Tylers disobedience and glared at his friend, Tyler shrugs.

"Hey, I just stole some money... no big whoop"

"Yeah 50$ Tyler, your mom could've charged you"

Adam chuckled lightly and shook his head in amusement, he said his goodbyes and left the school. Adam was only a corner away from the the school when someone tripped him up. He felt mud soak onto his jeans and shirt and he could here a few familiar laughs echoes around him. He should've know, the bullies that are jealous of anyone better than them. Adam looked up from the ground and saw the smug face of Christian Massey, his blonde hair neatly cut and cyan eyes stared at him menissingly. Adam picked himself up from the ground and brushed himself off.

"So Mr popular, what you got for us today?"

"I've never given you anything Chris, and I'm not going to start, so stuff it all up your ass"

The smartly dressed kids around him began oooooing and Christian laughed lightly.

"Oh come on, your rich, you must have something in your jeans their for us or... me"

"Yeah I'm sure Chris would like your sweet ass"

Daniel commented behind him, Adam scoffed and picked his bag back up. But before he could walk off, Chris visously grabbed his wrist and flashed his white teeth sinisterly.

"Come on let's go back to my place, your 17, I'm 17 let's-"

"Christian I don't even like you, plus your an asshole!"

Chris tightened his grip on his wrist and twisted it slightly, making Adam whimper.

"He wants it Chris!"

"Oh I know he does"

Adam pulled his arm out of Chris's grasp and began to run, beads of sweat appeared on his face as he heard the chuckling and fast footsteps of Christian and his gang. Adam felt his legs abruptly give away and he fell face first to the ground, Adam quickly looked back to see Chris approaching him.

"Leave him alone"

A tall slim figure walked in from of him in a protective persition and glared at Chris, Chris chuckled.

"And who are you?"

"I'm only telling you one anything asshole, leave.him.alone"

His friends began oooooing again and Christian bared his teeth and knuckles inviting the stranger into a fight. The boy excepted.

"Oh you want to go here and now, loads of people watching you going to get beaten the shit out off"

"I don't really care"

The two ran at each other, Christian running a iron fist into the stranger's face, blood leaking from a busted lip. The bully punched him in the gut and he fell to the ground. Adam was watching this in dis-belief. Chris laughed at the lightly breathing body on the ground and began to walk towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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