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"I wish I was never born into this family!"

Sometimes, I wondered how long it would take for the neighbors to hear all the shouting and realize that it wasn't the loud television but in fact, the family arguing. But that would be impossible because perfect families don't argue. They smile and laugh and talk about their perfect day.

I wish that were the case.

Instead, we had just been dropped the ultimate bombshell by my younger sixteen year old sister, Vicky, and let's just say it wasn't what my mom and dad would have liked to hear. Dad had his head in his hands while Mom had started clearing the table of food. I could tell that this was going to be a very long night.

"It's not too late, Vicky. You can abort it. Tons of teenage girls in your... predicament do it all the time," Dad said.

"Are you crazy? That is murder!" Vicky argued.

"You should have thought about that before you decided to have sex with someone. Especially Dane Whitley," Mom replied with a tone of disdain.

"I love him. And you are supposed to make love with the one you love," Vicky said.

"That is preposterous. You are too young to know what love is," Dad said, his tone growing more and more frustrated.

"I know exactly what love is. He loves me and I love him," Vicky replied.

"Why do you think he loves you so much? Wake up, Vicky. He is white trash and you are rich. He is using you for your money," Mom explained.

"He has never once asked me for my money. He has always spent his own money on me," Vicky argued, "I am keeping this baby."

Mom went silent and Dad looked as though he wanted to punch a hole in the wall or Vicky's stomach.

"Fine then. These next nine months, you will be here but when that baby is born, you are out of the house and you will be cut off. None of us will help you," Dad said calmly with a twinge of anger.

Vicky stopped dead in her tracks and I could see the tears in her eyes. I didn't know what to say. The news were just as much of a shock to Mom and Dad as it was for me. Kicking Vicky out of the house was a bit too drastic.

"Do you have something to say, Charlotte?" Mom asked in a challenging tone.

Yes, I do. I have a lot to say actually.

But no words came out and I shook my head, staying silent. I wanted to defend my sister. I really did. But I was afraid of defending her in front of my mom and risk being kicked out of the house like Vicky. I didn't think Mom would do that necessarily but I seriously think Mom was mental. She suffered from OCD of perfection. If nothing was perfect or ever went her way, she'd flip out. I knew that she was capable of murder if the dishes even had a spot of dirt on them.

"That's what I thought," Mom said, "Go upstairs, Vicky. I can't even look at you."

Vicky looked at me with the saddest look I could ever imagine before storming upstairs. I wanted to follow behind her. She needed all the support she could get. To be kicked out of the house at only sixteen and being pregnant... she was on the verge of cracking. And I didn't want that baby to suffer because of it.

"I can't believe this is happening. John, she is only sixteen. What are we gonna do?" Mom asked.

"Exactly as we said we were going to do. She needs to learn of her consequences. Why couldn't she be more like Charlotte?" Dad asked, turning to me.

I just gave a tiny smile.

"At least we know that Charlotte here is a perfect example of what a daughter should be. She doesn't defy us and we don't have to worry about her having sex at all," Dad continued.

"You and Lucas are what Vicky should be looking up to," Mom added.

"Can I please be excused?" I asked.

I didn't want to hear any more. Mom nodded and I went upstairs to my room, staring up at the ceiling. What Mom and Dad didn't know was that they didn't have a clue about me. Only what I chose to show them. Especially when it came to Lucas and I.


Lucas and I were once in love. Or at least that was what I would have liked to think. But lately, he always kept on talking about one thing. Sex.

I was still a virgin and Lucas was hooked that now was the time to finally do it. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I loved Lucas but I didn't know if I was in love with Lucas.

"Now is the perfect time," Lucas said as he started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Not in this cramped car," I replied.

"Why are you so picky about where we have sex? It's supposed to be a spur of the moment type of deal," Lucas replied as he went on top of me.

"Not now," I argued, pushing him off of me.

I sat up in the back seat of the car and he sat next to me. We were parked in the woods, not too far away from the road. He had said we were just gonna talk, which we did, but then it turned into kissing.

"When? You do love me, right?" Lucas asked.

"Of course," I answered.

"Then we should be able to show that with no problem," Lucas replied matter of factly.

"I'm still a virgin, Lucas," I argued, "So I'm sorry if I'm not jumping at the chance to just have sex right away. I'm just really stressed right now with Vicky and my parents right now."

"I am sorry to hear that. I really am. But if you want us to work, you have to pull your end of the bargain as well," Lucas said, looking into my eyes.

"Fine. But not today. Do you think you can wait till Friday?" I asked.

"I can wait till Friday. I love you, Charles," Lucas answered before kissing my neck.

"Love you too," I whispered softly.

Here's the first chapter! Tell me what you think so far and I would love feedback, votes, and/or comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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