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(Long chapter)
"Camz,do you want some snacks?" I asked looking at what the gas station had.

"Yeah can you get me..." Camila said still thinking about it.

"Dr. Pepper,and gummy worms got it" I said already know that was her favorite

I could see Camila smile getting her wallet out.

We walked up and before Camila paid I gave the cashier the money.

"No,Lauren I pay" Camila said looking dead in the eyes.

"Sorry but that's not how is works" I said kissing her nose. She smiled at me. This is the place where I fell in love with her,she was eating gummy worms and drinking Dr. Pepper.

"Camz,I pick this one for you. A rose. Your favorite" I said walking out into my car. Once the rose touch Camila's finger tips,she froze.

She started to lose balance, but I grabbed her arm hoping this would be the last rose.

"Babe,are you okay?" I asked trying to see her brown eyes.

"Lauren,did you fall in love with me here,real or not real?" Camila asked,not really sure what to believe.

I smiled,"Real"I said hugging her.

"I think I remember... Some of it. Did you get gum stuck in your hair and I had to cut it out,real or not real?" Camila asked as we drove off.

"Real" I said remembering that summer.

Then she gasped,I stopped in the middle of traffic, "What? What is it?" I asked holding her hand.

"Did you...and I have...sex?" Camila asked as I turned red.

"How many times?" Camila asked,

"Um well since sophomore year... Twice,three times...a month" I told her,she gasped,"That's a lot...didn't we have homework?"I laughed, most of it was Camila's doing.

"How was it?" Camila asked shyly. She started to turn red.

"Our first time? It wasn't bad...once it was done,your Mon came home early and I had to jump from the window. We were in love" I said turning to the rode.

"Were?" Camila asked looking hurt.

"I was never romantic with you,I never gave you flowers or chocolate on Valentine's day. Then we started to get in agreements. We still loved each other but it was like how we first started to date" I told her,feeling awful for not being a good girlfriend.

"It's okay,its a fresh start right? Now that I'm getting to know you and our relationship better in making me fall for you all over again" Camila told me,kissing my lips. I missed her warm,soft lips.

"I love you" the words slipped out of Camila's mouth.

I pulled away tracing her lips,"I love you too"I told her taking her lips into mine.
Once we got home from the movies we went to her house,I missed her room. I laid on her bed seeing Camila get nervous.

"Are you okay,Camz?" I asked slowly getting up from her bed.

"No yeah,but um...why do I like roses so much,every time I touch one I remember us" Camila said sitting next to me.

"We met in school by a rose brush,we had our first kiss with a rose in your hand. When I met your parents I gave you a rose. When we got in a fight I gave you a rose,when it was our first time,I gave you a rose. I draw roses for you all the time. Roses are your favorite flower and your my favorite person.

Every memories we have its been with a rose" I said realizing what a little flower can do to us.

Camila nodded getting in bed with me,in my lap.

"What does it feel to be in love?"

"I think you just know,you know. It's like you have to see them everyday and if you don't then it hurts,and affects your life.

You always think of them,and you get this feeling in your stomach that is scary at first but when you keep thinking of that person its all worth it.

When you touch their fingers,you get this rush. You can't help to stare at them and when they notice its scary but its fun. But um you'll just know" I said telling my feelings for Camila and how she makes me feel.

"IthinkIloveyou" Camila said really fast,I couldn't really understand, "What?" I asked,Camila turned around,"I said,I think I love you"Camila said fully turning around to straddle my lap.

Camila giggled as I buried my face in her chest,feeling bubbles in my stomach.

Camila started to kiss my neck,"Do you love me real or not real?"Camila asked as I lifted my head go look in her eyes.

"Real" I said turning us around,I was on her. "I'm going to make things right" I said knowing our first wasn't "perfect".

"Lauren,I trust you" Camila said, picking her body to kiss my lips before she slowly took off her shirt.

"Our first time,I had a song playing" I remembered quickly getting on my computer, leaving Camila shirtless. I went to my playlist,titled my love.

'Come on where is it,not The Way,nope not Chains,not Adore you. Come on where's our song? Why is Hello here?' I thought strolling through my playlist.

'Got it' I pressed play,and put in on repeat and got in bed with Camila.

Can't help falling in love,by Haley Reinhart.

The sing played as we started at each other.

Wise men say only fools rush in,but I cant help falling in love with you. Oh shall I stay would it be a sin,oh if I can't help falling in love with you.

I started to take off my clothes seeing Camila do the same,I've done this with her so many times,but this one feels different,it special to me,the other times it was always special to me,but not as much as this one.

Like a river flows surely to the sea darling so it goes somethings were meant to be.

Take my hand, take my whole like too,'cause I can't help falling in love with you.

I take Camila's lips into my slipping my tongue into her mouth. I slowly lean down, feeling her warm body on mine. Camila pulls away kissing my jaw line to my neck. I try and catch my breath once she slips her hand to cock,rubbing is slowly.

Never breaking her kiss,to my neck she starts to rub faster.

"Camz,fas-ter" I moan,Camila flips us over,she rubs she wet folds on my cock as she moans.

Camila got up to take my cock,she slides down taking it all. "Fuck" I moan I hold her hips,as Camila closed her eyes. "I love you so much" I told her kissing her lips.

I lifted my hips off the bed thrusting into her Camila started to moan from left to right. "LAUREN" Camila screamed, holding onto me,as I felt her walls clamp down on my cock,I felt her juices rush out of her.

Camila opened her eyes smiling. I pulled out feeling myself close,I came over my stomach. "I remember" Camila all of a sudden said.

I wiped myself as I looked at her confused.

"I remember, everything" Camila said smiling,kissing my lips.

I started to laugh,holding Camz. "Everything?" I asked.

Camila nodded,I couldn't believe it.
All five of us sat down,talking about Camila,and how she remembered.

"Having sex with Lauren made you remember?" Dinah asked,Camila nodded.

"Well if only you guys did it the first day you forgot,this wouldn't have happened" Ally said making us laugh.

It has already been a few days,and I started to remember Camila,and I never went to prom.

Authors note
Hey guys I hope you like this chapter
Love you guys

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