Chapter Five

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{Still Caleb}

        When we arrived at school, it was first hour. In first hour, we learn how to control our emotions. The teacher in there isn't that nice though. Her name is Mrs. Swift. I wonder how she ever got married. Anyway, when we arrived, Sapphire woke up a little confused. She looks up at me, "um why am I in your arms? Where are we?" I smirk am climb out of the car.

        "We have arrived at school my dear Sapphire. Do you not remember that today is Monday?" Her face goes red when she fully notices that I am still holding her.

        " c..can you put me down, please Caleb?" She looks up sweetly at me. I chuckle and set her down gently. She smiles then looks down.

        "C..Caleb. What's wrong with Slick? He was growling last time I saw him, why?" She asks confused, slightly blushing. I go still trying to think up an excuse.

        "Uh well, he likes to act like a dog to scare people. Heh." I scratch behind my head.  She nods in understanding. She starts walking towards the school with me following. When we enter, everyone looks at us. They bow their head in my direction and some girls shoot Sapphire a dirty look. She looks down and quickly walks away trying to get out of the attention. I sigh and walk to my locker. I made the principal put my locker right next to hers. I grab my books and head to my class.


        When I enter the room this time, I see that Sapphire got here before me. That's actually surprising. That one girl that sat by me yesterday, is sitting by me again. Gross, she is such a slut. I just wont sit by her today and sit on the other side of Sapphire. I'm sure that would make the girl mad but I do not care at all. What is Caleb doing in here?? He doesn't have this class unless... he switched his classes to match hers. That idiot, he's going to scare her away is what he's going to do. I sit down on the other side of Sapphire and I hear that one girl huff in anger and jealousy. If she as so much as touches her, I'll kill her.


        I notice that Slick sits on the other side of me this time around. Maybe he got sick and tired of that girl, but that leaves that seat for Caleb. I swear, if she flirts with him, she's dead. I shake my head getting rid of that thought. I mean, he's not mine or anything so... The teacher walks in and the class begins. In the middle of it, I look over and see that girl flirting with him. He looks very uncomfortable right now though... The teacher calls on Caleb and asks him to stand, then he asks if I could stand too. "Switch places you two, and get back to work." I see Caleb and Slick exchange looks in worry. We end up changing seats and that girl has a glint in her eyes like she is up to something. I take a seat and get back to what i was doing which was reading a book. The one girl beside me jabs me in the side with a pencil. I raise my hand and ask to go to the restroom real quick and the teacher says I could. When I grab the pass, I quickly dart out of the room so no one sees me. The bathroom enters my field of vision down the hall as I enter hoping no one else is in there. As I go and sit against the wall in the back, tears start to fall out of no where. Someone enters and I look up in fear of who entered and see a girl standing there confused and worried.

"Are you okay? My name is Myna, what is your name?" The girl sits next to me handing me some tissue. I take it and wipe my eyes blowing my nose on the other piece.

"I-I'm Sapphire.. I'm new here and people are already picking on me.." tears start falling again as I cry even more trying to hide so she doesn't see. It's best that people don't see the cry baby I am. The side where that girl kept poking me stings and I look down to see that there is a hole in the shirt and in that spot is blood. How in the world did a pencil do that?! After a couple of minutes black dots enter my vision dragging me under to its home of darkness. The last thing I hear is Myna calling out to me to stay awake.

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