The Signs As Harry Quotes

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Aries: "Think how much pussy you're gonna get"

Taurus: "Tall girls are hot, little girls are cuties."

Gemini: "Eating toast in the shower is the ultimate multitask"

Cancer: "I'm just lucky that my last name isn't balls"

Leo: "Never make eye contact with anyone while eating a banana"

Virgo: "What's a "d" and why do you all seem to want mine?"

Libra: "My worst habit is getting naked all the time"

Scorpio: "I've got four nipples. I think I must have been a twin, but the other one went away and left its nipples behind"

Sagittarius: "Don't knock it till you try it." (Larry AF)

Capricorn: "A real girl isn't perfect, and a perfect girl isn't real."

Aquarius: "Call me Mr. Borrow your girl because stealing is wrong"

Pisces: "Louis and Niall don't get a lot of solos because their voices make girls pregnant"

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