Chapter 6

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"Travis," Ethan called, coming into the house after another uneventful night shift.

"Yeah baby?" Travis poked his head out of his writing cave and smiled at his husband-to-be. They were at a little over a month until the date now. Six weeks, give or take, until they were legally, lawfully married.

"Got a call from the formal wear shop in the city," Ethan said, giving Travis a hard look. "Our tuxes are ready for the final fitting and they'd like us to come in today."

"Aw man," Travis grumbled. "Really? Why today?"

"Why not today," Ethan asked, tossing his suit jacket over his shoulder. "I told her we could be in by four which gives us two hours before they close for the night."

"Don't you have to work later," Travis asked, a hopeful glint in his blue eyes.

Ethan grinned, knowing his boyfriend's games. "Nope, I'm off tonight and tomorrow so as long as we catch ourselves a few hours of sleep, I'll be good to go."

"Damn," Travis muttered, rubbing his eyes. "You'll buy me pie, right?"

Ever since Ethan's last trip into the city to meet with his father and brother, Travis had been hooked on the banana cream pie at the Caribou Café. Ethan figured they'd each have to have a slice while they were there and then bring a whole one home with them, just to keep LaWanda satisfied. Travis' muse was more demanding than the man himself was. "Yes, I'll buy you pie, you big dork."

Travis beamed and stepped out of the small room he used as an office, enfolding Ethan in a giant hug. Ethan inhaled deeply, the scent of coffee, strawberry licorice and that underlying fragrance that was simply Travis filled his nose, comforting him after a long, boring night. He slid his arms around Murphy's waist and pulled him close.

"I missed you tonight," Travis murmured against his neck.

"I missed you, too, Trav," Ethan replied, kissing Travis' cheek. "Let's get some sleep while we can. After we do our duty, we'll have two days to goof off and do nothing that we don't want to do."

Sighing, Travis nodded against Ethan's shoulder. "Okay, baby. Lead the way."

Untangling himself from his boyfriend's embrace, Ethan entered their room, tossing his suit jacket in the dry clean only hamper. Unholstering his side arm, he locked it in the small gun safe he'd brought from his apartment. Travis had teased him about that, saying that there wasn't any reason for a gun safe in a place like White Pine where kids learned to shoot shortly after learning how to walk, but Ethan always believed in being safe rather than sorry. Especially in this case. Travis had already flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes by the time Ethan had managed to pull on a pair of old pajama pants and a relatively clean t-shirt.

"I think laundry might be in order here soon, Travis."

"Mmm-hmm," Travis said, ignoring Ethan and pulling the covers up to his chin.

They'd decided that things like laundry would be Travis' domain since Ethan actually had to leave the house on occasion. Not that that meant Travis actually managed to get the laundry done, but it was a work in progress like everything else in their relationship. Ethan climbed in beside him and snuggled against Murphy's back, relaxing into the comfort that was his partner. "I'll take that to mean 'of course, Ethan, I'll wash your clothes in the morning'."

"Humph," Travis snorted, snuggling into his pillow.

"Okay you two," the perky blonde saleslady grinned, "Would you like your own dressing rooms or will one large one work?"

Faith and WhiskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora