Chapter 1: Them Long Cold Nights

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The night is starting to get colder. Wintertime is approaching.
"Great" I said to myself peddling my bike down the empty street.

"Sends me out in the middle of the night, all for a bag of chips" I said as i peddle harder with every thought about it.

Lately there has been some craziness going on around here. People are disappearing and everyone is acting as if its normal. But really whats going on? Ever since last May people have been turning up missing and it's all starting to get suspicious.

"How are,you doing tonight miss Kara?" said an elderly voice as i entered the store.

"Mmmm, could be better, you know the usual." I said in a mellow tone voice.

As i walked down the narrow aisle, i could feel eyes on me. But from where? As i pretend to grab stuff off of the rack, i slowly looked around as if looking for something.
Just as i did i could faintly see a partial head sticking out

the outline of his hair.

As i pretend not to notice i turn around quickly, then re-look to find him gone.

"Ghost maybe?" I said as i laughed it off. Covering my mouth, before someone thought i was crazy.

I grab a bag of chips and approach the counter, grabing a small coke out of the mini fridge.

"Hey you girl, my my my what a sight i see." A deep voice said from behind.

"Maybe shes got something good shes hiding."another deep voice said, as they both laughed.

'Just ignore them, just keep walking' I said to myself as i approached the counter.

"That'll be $3.75 Miss Kara." said the elderly clerk, as he bagged my items.

"What do you think about the missing people, left and right they're going and no one knows where." He said as he waited for me to give him the money.

"Maybe they're just all once... who knows." I said trying,not to sound to interested.

" You don't have to be sarcastic miss Kara." He said as he handed me my change.

"Goodnight, Mr. George sorry." I said as i left the store.

Even though i didn't want to seem like it, I was wondering the same thing. What did happen to the missing people. Over a years time 29 people have went missing, whole families. What if..

"Hey you girl, from the store, hey im talking to you." said the same deep voice.

"Oh so your too good to talk to us, huh? Whats in,the Bag?" said the other guy.

Out of the shadows approached to dark figures. One tall, the other short. I noticed no whites in their eyes, as if..

"Whats in the bag girl." said the tallest one
As he approached me.

He gave a sideways smirk revealing a set of chiseled teeth. He slowly reached out a hand. Nails long and sharp. He smirk no turned into a grin revealing the rest of his shark like teeth.

"What.. what do you want all.. all i have is a small bag of chips and a drink." I said voice shaking from fear and the cold air.

They both looked at eachother smiling as if both thinking the same thing.

"We want you." They both said simultaneously and charged at me.

I panicked, hopping on my bike as fast as i could and took off

'Shit shit shit this can't be real, what am i going to do.' , I thought to myself as i peddled hard as i could

"That doesn't matter were going to catch you haha." They both said as they chased me.

My breathing began to become uncontrollable. I peddled like my life depended on it. It Did.

'No no what i am i going to do, im too far from home.' I thought as i realized how hard the bike was shaking.

I slipped. "Fuck , this is it its all finished now'
I thought to myself. The ground was cold, pure concrete. I laid there in tunnel waiting for my predators to attack.

"Finally, come on brother lets eat." I heard one of the voices say as someone grabbed my leg.


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