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A foreword about the following sonnet: This poem is meant to represent the bond that France and the USA have formed through the years. I write this just after the terrorist attack in Paris, France. And I firmly believe we should be their for each other.  Please enjoy. 

We two stand with our might united,

Whether it be good or bad we stay,

Sometime we can be shaken and blighted,

But, our friendship will never sway.

It may be a hundred years of dismay,

Or ten,

Either finds an independence day, 

And we celebrate ever now and then.

Yet, problems happen and freedom come when?

So we stand together again to fight,

We chase the wolves back to their den,

And drag them out with all our might to show them our holy light.

Together we stand 'cause together we were born,

Let us not ever have this bond be torn.

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