Lillian Black Arrives For Photo Day

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Photo day had rolled around and everyone (and by everyone we mean, the girls) was excited for it.

Morro: *sigh* Let's get this over with.

Lloyd: What's wrong with photo day?

Jay: All the girls go loco.

Grace-Aria-Nya: HEEEY!!

Kai: Jay, don't you dare say that about my sister!

Grace-Aria: what about us

Cole: Wow you 2 got bu-

Grace:*punches Cole and Kai*

Everyone: (O.O)

Morro: Wow! You 2 pissed her off!

Zane:*sigh* Let us just have our photos taken. I fear Grace might do more than give Kai and Cole a bruise otherwise.

Later, they had finished the photos.

Morro: Lloyd looked hot is his

Everyone: What was that Morro? *smirk*



Cole: Grace has comp-

Grace: Don't make me punch you again!

???: *taps Cole's shoulder* Excuse me?

Cole:*turned and saw a girl who had hazel eyes and she has light brown hair with black tips she was wearing a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black labrons and he began to blush* Um, yeah?

???: My friend and I can't find our class. Could you give us directions?

Jay: You must be new here. Everyone here knows where their classes are.

Grace: Hey, it's a complicated campus.

Everyone but ???: *raises eyebrow*

Grace: Okay it's not that complicated.

Cole:*turns back to the girl* Sure. I'm Cole Brookstone by the way.

???: My name is Lillian, Lillian Black and this is Pixal Borg.

Pixal: Hello *smiles at everyone*

Cole:*smiles* We should get going so you can make it to class in time. *leaves with Pixal and Lillian*


Morro: wow...

Grace: Love is in the air~ *sing a long voice*

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