May you be smiled upon (A Mad Father Fanfiction)

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"The mistress is just like you now... Doctor." 

The young Aya Drevis was no longer was no longer the sweet innocent girl she once was. 

After the incident with her father in The Drevis mansion, Aya had followed in the bloodied footsteps of her father.  

She had been killing her patients ever since she found a book on Necromancy laying in the grass nine years ago.  

Instead of turning her patients into dolls like her father would've, Aya used them for a different purpose. She had killed mainly male patients.  

She collected all the parts needed to re-create "him", or at least try to anyways.  

Aya genuinely despised her actions, and she didn't want to carry out with it, but her longing to see him.  

To feel his embrace... Was enough to keep her going. He was what drove her to do such horrid things to innocent people, but to her it was all worth it.  

Just to be with him again, would bring her eternal happiness.

Muffled screams of the girl, Jean, echoed through the small shack of a clinic.  

Aya tried to silence the girl, but her screams only grew louder as Aya stabbed the scalpel into her chest. 

Panicked by the girl's shrill screams of terror, Aya pulled out the scalpel and sliced Jean's throat.  

The girl died within seconds, but her blood splattered all over her.  

Aya then proceeded in the operation. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she sawed at Jean's eyelids.  

More blood sprayed on Aya, but she was too determined to care anymore.  

After she was done, making the eye removal simpler, She grabbed a pair of tweezers.  

She slowly and carefully removed the girl's eyes from their sockets and realized she had to separate the nerves from the brain still.  

Aya let out a frustrated sigh and proceeded in surgically removing Jean's eyes from her brain. 

After a few hours of sawing and gore, The operation was complete. Aya had successfully removed Jean's eyes. "I'm sorry you had to suffer for this, may you rest peacefully in the afterlife Jean."Aya murmured.  

Aya removed her mask and latex gloves. Her operation was now complete, and she was now ready to finish her "project".

For Aya's next step, she disposed of the last bit of Jean's remains. she saved some of her organs by placing them In jars and storing them for future operations and creations.

The next patient knocked on the door the next evening.  Aya masked on a fake smile and opened the door to greet a tall man dressed in a nice dress shirt, black slacks, and and recently polished combat boots. His light brown hair slicked back neatly.  He told her his name was Eilan. He was from the south, and was looking for medicine for his fiancé. Aya playing nurse,  went to the back, and set up a fake cure. Aya was prepared to dirty her hands with the stench of death once again...

Hours passed and Aya had murdered once more. Scared by the monster she had become, she started to sob and question why she was doing such awful things. She felt her heart sink as she stared at the fresh bloodstains on the medical bed beside her. Aya clutched her her chest tightly as more bittersweet tears rolled down her cheeks. This was wrong. Aya now realized that her evil deeds were assuredly in vain. "There's no way this could work... What am I doing?  Why can't I just let Dio rest!?" Aya slammed her clenched fists on to the cold, bloodied floor. "Why? Why did I have to become like that sick man? Why did I slaughter those poor people!? Nancy, Jean,  Eilan... I'm so sorry... It's all my fault... It's all... m...y...-" Aya began to slip away from the last bit of sanity she had. Aya picked herself up off of the floor, swaying her body. Aya broke out in a fit of maniacal laughter.

There was no turning back now. Aya was lost in her own madness once again.

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