Chap 9

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"Lets just say it revolves around an army and your DNA". I sighed  "and You want to make a army of me for supers soldiers right?" A few seconds later a loud crashing noise clangs in the room and glass explodes everywhere. "Take cover men"! I then lunged at the soldier and got his keys and I unlocked my handcuffs. I then bolted for the door and made it through, afterwards I transformed back into a werewolf and saw Liam in the corner of my eye. "Ive found you boy now you die"! I charged at him and scratched his face with my claws he lunged at my chest and bites down on my abdomen. I then see Liam fall off me from bulletfire he then rushes to attack the soldiers trying to ambush him. "You pathetic fucks think you can take me and he whips his arm and snatches one of the soldiers and whips him across the ground and sinking his teeth through his neck and devouring him! I then jump on his back and bit down on his right shoulder.

Lycan Outbreak: Patient zeroWhere stories live. Discover now