Chapter 3 WHAT?!

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Chapter 3


I sat in my room finishing the last part of my homework which happened to be my math homework and I was stuck on a problem but soon I figured it out. I closed my book, taking a deep breath in then out. I then put away all my school books and papers, I looked at the clock it was a little past five, got to make dinner, I thought to myself. Walking out my room I closed my door to my room before walking into the kitchen and began cooking dinner.

“Mike its dinner time” I said peeking into his bedroom, he looked up at me from his game he was playing

“Kay” he said getting up, I opened the door wider as Mike ran under my arm laughing

“Wash your hands first” I said looking at him, he pouted but then did as I told him to then he sat down. He was about to start eating when I stopped him

“We have to say grace” I said sitting across from him, he frowned but then put his hands out on the table for me and I took his tiny hands and then began to say grace when done we both said ‘amen’ at the same time then Mike began digging into his food, I laughed at his eagerness. I looked down at my food then went back to eating dinner when finished Mike ran off to his room while I stayed and cleaned the kitchen. When I finished cleaning up the mess and putting dad’s plate into the fridge I went to Mike’s room where he was playing with building blocks. He looked up at me smiling then went back to playing as I bent down ruffling his hair.

“Bath time” I said pulling him into my arms, then grabbing his bed time clothes. Mike wiggled in my arms as I walked to the bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet I turned on the facet to the bath tub and let it get cool before I closed the drain so the water would go up. When the water was perfect I got Mike off the toilet and began to strip him tickling him as I did, he giggled as I put him in the tub with all his bath toys.

“I’ll be right back” I said before I walked out of the bathroom to his room grabbing his pajamas and bed time pull ups. Walking back into the bathroom I saw Mike playing with his toys, he looked up at me and splashed me with water.

“That’s not nice” I said sternly as I kneeled down in front of the bathtub.

“I sorry” Mike said looking down sad

“It’s okay now lean your head back” I said and began washing his hair, he giggled as the water hit his face. After washing his hair, I washed his body then took him out of the bath tub, wrapping the towel around his body I let the water drain from the tub. Taking the towel I dried Mike off making him giggle as I dried him off, I laid him down and put the pull up on him then put his pajamas on him.

“Now it’s time to go to sleep” I said picking him up in my arms and walking out of the bathroom and walking to his bedroom. Slipping him under the bed sheets I tucked him in, kissed his forehead and then told him goodnight. Walking out of his room I turned on his night light then closed the door as I left the room. Opening the door to my room, I closed the door before I changed into a pink bubble dress that showed my chest, put on a black belt to go with my outfit, and then put some black ballet shoes on. Looking in the mirror my hair was still up in a bun but I took it door straightened my hair, parted my bangs then put hair spray on, then did my makeup to make me look even more fierce. I grabbed my bag before I went check on my dad who was on the couch, asleep figures, I thought tom myself. Walking out of the house I put on my helmet and then drove off to the old abandon building. Parking my bike I put my helmet on the seat then began walking to the building. Today was the day for boys only so I wasn’t going to be dancing but I liked to watch the guys dance. Walking into the building I went to put my bag into my locker then walked over to the circle where there where groups of guys getting ready to dance.

“First up today is the Bad boys” the announcer said, very original, I thought to myself. A group of boys came out all wearing black but one guy who was wearing all white, they started dancing once the music started and they were okay but they didn’t have any originality. When they were done they left and then a different group came up, the dancing was all the same as different groups came out to dance.  The last group I noticed one guy reminded me of that new guy from school Aiden, wait shot it was. Dam it he can’t know I dance here, I thought to myself. Aiden looked at my looking straight into my eyes and winked at me then smirked as he began dancing with is crew. They were really good, they were original and it was amazing I liked it but I just hope when they do boys and girls I can beat them.

“We’ll be back to announce the winners later so for now just dance to the music” the announcer said. They put on a really good song that had an amazing beat to it, I began to dance when I felt someone start to get close to me then put their hands around my waist, I didn’t mind because it was just dance so I then began to sway my hips and move my body along with his.

“What’s your name cutie?” the guy dancing with me asked

“It’s Izzy, what’s your name?” I asked still dancing along to the music

“I’m Aiden, do you wanna go somewhere else?” he whispered into my ear

“I guess” I said, I really hope he doesn’t notice who I am; he took a hold of my hand then lead me to the couch that was by the lockers. Sitting down he pulled me down to sit next to him.

“How old are you Izzy?” he asked

“I’m seventeen, you?” I asked looking up at him

“I’m eighteen” he said looking down at me

“You’re an amazing dancer by the way” I said looking up at his brown eyes

“Thank you, you are really good yourself” he said looking down at me and smiling

“We are about to announce the winners” the announcer said, Aiden grabbed my hand and lead me over to the circle where everyone was waiting for them to announce the winners.

“I hope you win” I said smiling at him

“Thanks I hope so too” he said, he held onto my hand. I looked down at my hand

“Oh is this okay” he said looking at me worried

“It’s fine” I said smiling up at him

“And the winner is . . . Late Night Crew” the announcer said, Aiden and his group went up. Aiden had this huge smile on his face then he looked over at me. Aiden came over to me smiling really big and then did the unexpected.


So I know mean cliff hanger. so what do you guys think he did? I wanna know what you guys think so comment telling me what you think happened.

thank you guys for reading and please do comment, vote and fan that would be awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2011 ⏰

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