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At the beginning of this school year, I met the most amazing girl ever. We soon became best friends, and one day I dropped my pencil and she picked it up for me. Then as a joke, she asked me to be her wife. The term carried on, so now she is my wife as I am hers. Its nothing, really, just this thing at school we play along with, but hanging out with her makes my days better. I was on the volleyball team, but the season is over now. Anyway, at one of my games, I was sitting with her and my coach needed me, so I got up to go. She put her head through the bars on the side of the bleachers, and said goodbye to me. I kissed her. I pecked her on the lips. That kiss, or peck, changed my life. It showed me that I have feelings for her as more than a friend, and that I really liked her. Over time as we hung out, I started getting flirty with her, and my friend taught me how to stage kiss, and I started doing that with her and being kind of kinky. Everyone says we would make the perfect couple, and she always was like "I'm straight," and every time I hear those words, my heart cracks a little bit. I love her. She is my everything and every second with her is a gift. I love her so much........... I don't know how to tell her this..... I mean, she knows I'm bi, but not that I like her like that. What should I do???????? I'm so broken and I don't know how to tell her how I feel. I need advice, badly.

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