How it began

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I am Jessica Durance. A straight A student in all honors and AP classes except one, Physics. Im a junior in high school and cant wait to become a senior so i can finally leave this small town. Of course there are my two best friends, Franco and Adam, and my gorgeous boyfriend Davey. Our relationship wasnt always the greatest but even with a rough start we turned out okay.

It was the beginning of the year and we have all received our new schedules. I looked through it last week online so i could buy what i needed and get started on Reading Summaries for my AP classes. Usually I get a ride from Adam and Franco but its sorta a tradition for me to walk alone on the first day. It helps me clear the mind. I looked down in the hallways like i usually did. No one wants to see a brace faced, four eyed, crater face anyway. I slammed my books into my locker and went my merry way dodging bookbags, shoving through oversized footballers and finally making it into my class. Mr. James Parker. Physics. Such an easy class in the morning. Thank Zeus! 

As the final bell rang students began to enter in herds. They all looked toward the whiteboard which had all our assigned seats on it. Franco sat closer to the back because his last name starts with an M. Mine is a D. Unfortunately at the time there were no Es or Fs so that meant Gomez sat by me. I looked up to Davey and saw him with Ashley. The school hooker basically, she barely wears clothes and all she cares about is money. Davey looked up to the board and saw him name he looked toward the classroom and saw where and who he sat by.

"Do i HAVE to sit here Mister teacher?!" Davey complained. Throwing his backpack into the chair making me jump.

"Its Mr. Parker and yes its your assigned seat now please stop complaining." he explained. After the class settled down Mr. Parker began to take attendance. I looked over to Davey who was texting on his phone. Wow. We practically sit in the front. He noticed me staring and turned off his phone. He wiggled around in his seat. After Mr. Parker was done taking attendance he started passing out the  syllabus.

"So Josy right?" Davey asked out of the blue. I looked over at him with a puzzled look and he just smirked. 

"Its Jessica" I replied and started annotating my syllabus. He chuckled at me and turned to face the front.

"so how are you?" he asked turning back towards me. I looked right back at him and smiled.

"Great now pay attention please." I asked him as politely as i could. He tapped my shoulder and i turned my attention to him again.

"Can i borrow a pencil?" He asked with a smirk. Without answering i pulled out my pencil case and gave him a wooden pencil. He gave it back and shook his head.

"No i want a mechanical pencil." He asked in pure seriousness. I opened my case up again and handed him my light blue pencil.

"Give it back please." I begged him. It was my favorite pencil. I never used the eraser on it so it looked brand new even though i had it since 6th grade.

"Of course." He smirked and started taking notes on the syllabus. 

For the rest of the class we took a pre test to see what we needed to learn. It was obviously not worth a grade but Davey couldnt seem to take his eyes off my paper. Does he not know we have different version. After 30 solid minutes i turned in my test and sat back down with 10 minutes left in class. I felt a nudge on my leg and i looked over at Davey who was sneaking a note over to me.

"im screwed this yr :P"  he wrote on the paper. I laughed to myself and wrote back to him.

"This is a higher class, how did you make it this far? let me guess cheating?"  i nudged him back and he took back the note and scribbled words down. As he folded the paper he stood up and handed in his test. As he was walking back he gave me the note.

"No my parents hired a tutor. But she quit & now im tutor less :'( "  i read to myself and actually felt bad for this kid. I wrote a few words down and handed him the note.

"Do you want me to tutor you?"  His face light up like a star. He quickly wrote down words and handed back.

"Really?! dat would b AWESOME! how much though?" 

I wrote as fast as i could class will be ending soon.

"consider it community service, just give me back my pencil"  He turned to me as he was done reading it and held out his hand. I shook it and he handed me back my pencil. As i was done putting my pencil away the bell rang and everyone fled for their lives.

"Okay so heres my number and ill meet you in the library after school tomorrow" He told me handing me his number. 

"Okay" I accepted his paper and waved to him goodbye. Franco walked up next to me and gave me puzzled look. 

"Tutoring some jock." He asked and i nodded my head. Not knowing this jock would eventually become my boyfriend.

****Davey Gomez is on the side****


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