The dawn of Hell

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All prisoners of the Arkham asylum were queued up,  chained, the line spanned nearly a mile long, and descended into the devilish hole to the seven layered Prison,  or in their terms seven layered Hell. The whole scenario looked beautiful, chained prisoners in their orange uniform,  steered down into the tube,  through which they were transferred to  individual cells,  regardless of their crime.  It was to be later sorted out,  the time they serve and their releases. Firstly it was to do the most tedious job,  transferring the prisoners, then the former would be easy,  matching their personal records with their cells. There was only one way in and out: the Vacuum tube. 
The chains and handcuffs were computerised,  the chain breaks for every person who is to descend,  and the handcuffs break 30 seconds prior,  the time by which they would have entered their cells after being forced inside the tube by the police officers in duty.
Gordon the commissioner of Gotham city police force was patrolling the scene and many other police officers who were also appointed,  were dreamily looking at the monotonous movement of the prisoners descending. "What a bore " one told his fellow officer.  "Not for long!" The prisoner with the painted face exclaimed. The officer was taken aback,  by THE JOKER'S sudden announcement. The officer was reminded of his childhood,  when The Joker single-handedly almost destroyed Gotham city.  But he managed to muster a tiny laugh, and The joker replicated it into  horrendous screaming. The officer controlled the urge to punch him. "Afterall in a matter of few minutes,  he'll be in his own hell " he thought to himself.  The joker was just 3 people away from travelling into the Vacuum tube.  " There was once a sane man in a very mad place with mad people, Nobody really understood his ideas, he was far beyond their reality,  he was way more than what they needed then. He was all what they needed to bring man kind to the next level. "the joker said as one man dropped into the tube,  leaving behind two more men before the joker entered. "He tried proving them that all their methods were futile. Nothing would help them.  But they weren't sane as he was,  they called him a mad man. " another man falls. The officers were listening raptly,  just for the Joker's satisfaction,  as they knew they were the last people to whom he could talk. "So he became desperate. A desperate Sane man.  So he decided to reform that insane society,  by breaking it. The only way to kill insanity is by killing insane people.  And of course,  the society called the one sane man,  the most insane Sadist. " the chain breaks before him and the prisoner in front freefalls into the pit. The joker continues "So they catch me,  and put me,  who I was referring to all long, in a place where I got to mingle with people as sane as me. Isn't that the best thing one could get in life,  friends " the chain breaks behind him,  it was time for him to jump,  the officer announced "it's time you left " " I just left " he replies,  all handcuffs snapped haphazardly , and freesd all prisoners. The police officers got shell shocked.  As few as 50 officers tried to catch a fleeing several hundred prisoners, the joker used his feet and tripped the officer into the pit, the other officer went for his gun and jumped out of his skin to find it in the Joker's hand.  " I hate guns! " He said for the officer's jubilation, "have my card. " the joker handed him a card fit into a ball.  The officer deatched the card from the ball with utter ease,  while the joker walked away. A deafening sound resonated in Gordan's ears and burning card flew slowly by him.  He caught it with mixed emotions,  The joker card.

The prisoners went for the apartments,  broke doors and harassed the public.  Most police officers were either dead,  or almost dead.  Gordon ran to The Joker, made an erratic shot,  missed,  further shots missing everything and the last shot killing another prisoner. By this time prisoners had trooped around Gordan,  he shot,  to add more misery,  his gun failed.  " What a pity Gordan " joker announced as Gordan fell to his knees, The joker shoved a ball into Gordan's mouth and walked away pulling the card along with him.  The grenade annihilated
Gordan's body above his chest leaving behind a carcass with bloody entrails and fried legs. 

Dead bodies were strewn all over the area and more public were brought and thrown into the Vacuum tube. Joker blasted more heads with his card ball
grenade, and added morosely " I wish the batman was here,  he was.. " he searched for the right vocabulary and added " better sport "..... 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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