Fight back

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Can we create a better world

Then destroy it

And make it what it really is

A huge waste land

Full of judgment

Where you get nasty looks

By the way you dress, walk, talk

They always say be you

No one will judge you

They fucken lie

They want you to be like everyone else

Mindless zombies

Break free, be you

Don't let them control you

Stand up and fight back

Fight, fight, fight

Be you.

Fuck everyone else

Can we create a better world

Destroy it

Make it what it really is

A wasteland

Full of judgment

Stand up fight back

Fight, fight, fight,

Be you

Don't let the world bring you down

Don't listen to the words

No one will be there

When you fall

Pick yourself up

Stand for what you believe

Make a better world

For yourself

Just fight

For what you believe in

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