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Hia! Ask and Dare the Hetalia characters!

Jane Kirkland: P- Please don't forget about m- me..... Y- you can ask or d- dare me as well ^.^

Luciano: Yeah you can ask her but you can also ask and dare us 2ps!

Me: yeah! ^.^ so... I am going to list stuff about Jane...

~~Stuff About Jane~~

Parents:Arthur Kirkland (England) and her mom is unknown
Appearance: Tall, long blond hair with amber highlights, full pinkish red lips,skinny,a short strapless dress that looks like her flag, her right eye is emerald green and her left eye is ice blue
Personality: Supper extremely shy, sweet, instrumentalist, polite, magical (like her dad),quiet,loves reading, smart, can be scary when she wants to, has a British accent.
Friends: Matthew(Canada), Arthur(England), Oliver(2pEngland),Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan,Ivan(Russia [I think that's how it is spelt])
Country:  Allaland
Flag:  Half black half white with red, blue, and orange stripes

~~Done~~ (sort of I'm going to put her crush on at the end)

Me: I was detailed but once you get to know her she opens up to ya

Arthur: So Dare or Ask us!

Alfred: Yeah dude!

~~Jane's crush~~ ( Just stop reading now if you don't want to know)

Jane's crush: Oliver(2pEngland)

It is safe now! So yeah ask or dare them please! :)

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