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Riley's POV
Okay okay. Why are you all wondering why I said yes to Farkle. Here's why:
1. He's adorable,
2. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
3. I think Lucas is gonna break up with me.
Why do I think this?
Because he and Maya have been spending a lot of time together. And he's been really close with Maya's sister, Sarah.
WAIT A MINUTE! Is he cheating on me? And more importantly, is he cheating on Maya and Sarah?
Okay calm down Riley. You're  
But I called Maya anyway.
But I just remembered;
If Lucas is cheating on me, that means I'll have to
1. Tell Maya horrible news on her birthday.
2. Sob uncontrollably while watching old rom-come while eating rainbow sherbet.
3. Break up with him.
Somebody please tell me what to do?
Maya's POV
"Hey babe!" Lucas said as I jumped into his arms.
"I missed you!" I said.
"I missed you too!"
"I hope you never have to go to Paris again!" I said pulling him into a kiss.
I paused than pulled away. "But if you ever do, promise you'll take me with you."
He smirked then chucked. "I promise."
I stared at him.
"What?" He said.
"You sure?"
He gave me a funny look. "Okay. I'll go order pizza."
He kissed me goodbye.
"PEPPERONI!" I screamed as he shut the door.
I stared at the floor in shock.
Because I looked at his collar.
And guess what else?
Lipstick stains.

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