Chapter 1

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     He makes my heart ache. I don't want it to but it does... I hate him, but I think I love him. He has no idea I exist... But I dream of the day we marry. 
     A cool wind is flowing threw my freshly cut hair and flapping my newspaper around as I am drinking my hot steamy green tea. I think to myself, "Do you like him, or not?" My problem is that I can't figure out that answer.
     I've always dreamed of who I would date and who I would marry as a little girl, but now being 19, living in a miniature house in the small town of Silverton, Colorado, population 638, I'm starting to realize that I might never have a relationship ever.
     I'm beautiful, so I am told. With dark blue eyes and dark, dirty blonde hair... Many boys have asked me out, yet I can never find the right one. I'm not trying to make my life sound like a sob story, but trying to go out with a man, and then thinking about the one I love, or hate, makes me vomit inside.
     I look up from my newspaper to see my neighbors heading off to work, which meant my friend Janne should be almost to my house, she picks me up for class every Monday-Thursday.
     Though Janne is a year older than I, she is already married and pregnant. Her husband, Joey, is 7 years older than her, and passed down from generation to generation are about half the business in Sliverton, which he now owns.
     Janne pulled up in her tinted red Toyota and honked. I stood up and did a half jog half walk to her car stalled in my driveway. I opened up the rusted door, "Hey, considering your husband and yourself are billionaires, why can't you two bother to get a new car?" I smirked. "Well Andy, I love this car more than I love your sarcasm, so I'm never getting a new one." She said firmly. We laughed as she pulled out of the driveway.
     "So Joey has a friend and he is such a sweetheart, I hope you don't have any plans tonight, because I set you up on a date with him at 7... And-" I cut her off before she could finish,"-you did what?! How many times do I have to tell you that I already like someone!" Is screamed. "Ya, but honey, you can't keep waiting for whoever he is to come around!" She snarled back at me. She doesn't think that the guy I have a crush on even exists. Ever since her and Joey got married, she has been trying to get me to go on dates with basically whoever she can find.
     When we got to school, I hopped out of the truck and we headed to our class, psychology. As I was walking in the corner of my eye I saw him, tall, brown hair, blue eyes, freckles, a little pale, and muscular. I don't even know his name and yet I feel like I've known him forever. I turned to Janne and said, "That's him, wait... He is walking over here, see!" I sort'v yelled and whispered. "I don't see him, where is he?"she said back. I was breathing fast, he was waking straight towards me. Did he know who I was? Did I have a booger on my face? No. I was being silly. He didn't know who I was, and I didn't have a booger on my face. We made eye contact, my breath stopped. I felt like the air was being ripped out of me. But i was so busy staring at him, that I didn't even notice that I was about to run into him. We collided, I dropped my books, phone, purse, and dignity. "Haha what the hell?!" Janne laughed. I blushed. "I'm so sorry" I said to him, I looked and he was on the ground also. I started picking up my books, but noticed that he was just sitting on the floor staring at me, he looked at me like I had two heads. "Are you okay?" I asked? His jaw dropped, I saw a tear run down his face. 'Oh my gosh I made him cry', i thought, 'I'm such an awful person, what a great first impression.' I stopped what I was doing and stared at him, "Seriously, are you hurt or anything?" I asked a little bit more harshly this time. I looked in his eyes and saw a flicker, but before I could tell what it was, he got up and ran. Leaving me on the floor wondering what I did wrong.

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