kiss me // larry

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Title: Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

Pair: Louis+Harry

Word Count: 1140

Harry had been without Louis for a long time. Almost fifteen years he was without Louis and all those fifteen years, Louis was the only thing on his mind and that's what scared Harry. He was so dependent on Louis that he couldn't live without Louis. Hell, Harry was a grown man now and he still never could forget about Louis.

Back in the day, Harry and Louis were each other's worlds. They were in love. Always cuddling and holding hands and having the time of their lives. They never had any beef with each other, but that all changed the summer that Harry turned fifteen. One day Louis just didn't show up to school and he wouldn't answer Harry's texts or calls and it gave Harry a bad feeling. He went over to Louis' house, but Louis wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere and that's when Harry realized that Louis was gone and he never saw him again.

Now, Harry was thirty years old. He had his own family. He had a beautiful wife named Olivia and everything in the world was going good for him. Yet, his heart still belonged to Louis, no matter how much he loved Olivia. He met Olivia when he moved to Massachusetts and it was a big move for him and she just made him feel at home and he fell in love with her along the way. He hadn't ever gone on a date or had feelings for someone after Louis' disappearance until he met Olivia.

Harry was part of the navy and while he loved his job, he still loved being home. So, while Olivia was at the office, he was the stay-at-home dad until he would go on another tour. Harry needed to go to the grocery today, so he decided he would make a trip in the afternoon after he dropped the rest of the kids off at their friends houses. Harry's youngest daughter, Addison, was with him. She was only nine months and he didn't trust anyone else with her unless they were himself or Olivia. Addison was truly a daddy's girl and never cried on him while she did that to everybody else. That's what he loved about her.

Harry parked the car and pulled out Addy from her car seat and put her in the cart. He pushed her through the aisles smiling every time she giggled as he pulled a funny face at her. He walked into the candy section and stood frozen as he saw the man in front of him. Said man didn't notice Harry's presence as he was helping his sons pick out candy.

"Alright, what do you want, Luke?" Louis smiled at one of his sons as he watched Luke stare in amazement at all the candy in front of him. Louis loved all his sons, even though it was difficult raising them by himself. His girlfriend died giving birth to the triplets, but Louis let not anger get in the way of his three miracles, after all, he had a boyfriend now anyway.

"L-Louis?" Harry stuttered and finally Louis turned and noticed Harry's presence.

"H-Hazza?" Louis was in utter shock as he looked at his best friend and once boyfriend.

"Daddy, who that?" Ben, the middle triplet, asked.

"Remember how I always told you about Uncle Harry? This is him, boys, but I haven't seen him in a long time." Louis whispered to the boys.

"Uncle Harry?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Yeah, Uncle Harry." Louis smiled at the man he could hardly recognize. "I, um, I'm sorry, Harry." Louis apologized.

"I-I, uh, I know. Why, um, why did you leave?" Harry asked as he picked Addy up out of the cart.

"I did you wrong, Harry. I met a girl and I liked her and it just wasn't fair to you and I just couldn't break your heart and so I left with her." Louis explained.

"Well, it looks like things worked out with her, huh?" Harry half smiled nodding over to the triplets.

"Yeah, yeah. We had the triplets, but she's not with us anymore." Louis frowned, rubbing his fingers through Danny's hair.

"Why not? If you don't mind me asking." Harry intruded, even if it wasn't in his rights to do so.

"She died giving birth to these beauties, but I wouldn't have it any other way." Louis smiled as all the boys hugged him. Luke and Ben hugging his legs and Danny hugging his side.

Harry smiled, "You have quite a beautiful family, Lou."

"And what about you, Mr. Hot Stuff?" Louis chuckled, pulling his old nickname for Harry, making Harry smile in return.

"Married to a beautiful woman and I have four kids. This here is Addison and then there's the twins Taya and Nell and our little soldier, Jayden." Harry smiled just thinking about his beautiful children.

"They sound beautiful, Haz, and this beauty right here definitely gets her looks from her mother!" Louis teases as he tickles Addy's stomach. Addy bursts into a fit of giggles and Harry's smile could not get any wider at this site.

"I, um, I gotta go, though. Sebastian's waiting for me at home, so." Louis smiled, kissing Addy's cheek.

"Who's Sebastian?" Harry asked.

"My boyfriend. I think you'd like him. He's a lot like you." Louis looked at Harry and for a split second, he felt as if nothing had changed between him and Harry. Like everything was the same as it was when he was seventeen, but that wasn't reality. He left Harry all because he fell for the wrong person and honest to God, it was the best and worst mistake he ever made.

"Boys, can you go put the basket away? Be good. Especially you, Danny!" Louis asked the boys. They proceeded to do so and smiled as they skipped along the aisles.

"They're wonderful, Louis." Harry smiled.

"You're wonderful." Louis whispered, but cursed under his breath as he realized he had said that out loud. That was his first mistake.

"Louis, I know this is way out of character of me, but for old times sake, do you think you could kiss me one more time?" Harry asked, biting his lip nervously.

"Yes." Louis smiled, grabbing Harry by waist and planted his lips on Harry's one last time and it was magical. It was like the stuff they say it books and movies. The spark was just the same as it was when they were younger and that was the beauty of it all. The spark never died and that's all they ever needed to know and they both walked out of that store with each other's numbers in hand, both never willing to let each other go ever again.

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