raging fire // larry

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Title: Raging Fire by Phillip Phillips

Pair: Louis+Harry

Word Count: 1174

It was simply supposed to be a fun night for Louis and his family. He was coming back from University for the summer and he was going to spend some time with his family. It didn't turn out to be that way. As Louis drove to his Doncaster home, he was excited. He had so many fun things planned. He missed his sisters and his brother, whether he'd like to admit it or not and he just wanted to spend as much time with them as possible before he'd have to go back to Uni in the fall.

As he got home, he locked his car and walked inside. Everyone was having a grand old time. Board games were out. Louis' mum, Lisa and his new stepdad, Carter were cooking some amazing dinner and everything was going as planned. Louis was greeted with shouts from the twins and life was going on splendidly as it did for the rest of the night.

It was the middle of the night when the fire started. Lisa never turned off the oven after dinner. That was the first mistake. Louis was sound asleep. Everyone was. No one ever smelt the smoke or stirred. Louis was awakened by the feeling of arms picking him up. Louis stirred awake. He saw a man in a firefighter suit carrying him and Louis was confused until he started coughing and he realized that there was a fire. He started screaming and the man carrying him realized that he was awake.

"Mate, calm down. You're alright." Louis took a deep breath as the man got outside of the house. He put Louis down.

"The parents didn't make it. I'm sorry." The man said and motioned towards the crying Tomlinson children with a young officer. Louis walked over, tears in his eyes and engulfed his siblings into a big hug.

"Sir?" The officer caught Louis' attention. He was quite handsome. Shoulder length curly hair and jade green eyes. Louis was quite mesmerized by his eyes. His tag said 'Officer Styles'.

"Can you tell me what happened? Or anything that might have started the fire?" Officer Styles says.

"My mum, she, um, she left the stove on last night, I think." Louis mumbled.

"Alright, thank you. Now, trust me, I know how you're feeling. My family was killed in a fire as well, but if you ever need guidance or someone to talk to, this is my card. You have each other. Lean on each other and trust each other." Officer Styles reached into his pocket and pulled out a card and gave it to Louis.

"Thank you." Louis whispered. Officer Styles smiled at the boy and his siblings then he walked away. Louis smiled down at the card. It simply said Officer Harry Styles and his phone number on it.

Harry. Louis could only think about how well the name fit the officer. Louis looked to his six siblings and engulfed them into a hug.

*three years later*

"Babe, I'm home!" Louis yelled out in his flat. He had just gotten home from the office and ran up the steps, figuring that Logan had just fallen asleep watching Lacy and Ollie. He couldn't blame him, though. The twins were much more energetic than Daisy and Phoebe ever were.

Louis walked through he and Logan's bedroom only to find empty drawers and a letter and a ring on the bed. It read:

Dear Louis,

I'm sorry. I couldn't do it any longer. I do love you, but I'm just not able to love you enough to want to spend the rest of my life with you. Trust me when I say that you did nothing. You loved me with every part of you. I just wasn't as able to love you as much as you did to me. I'm so sorry my little sunshine. I hope that you'll move on and I hope that you'll find someone that will be able to love you as much or even more than you could love them.

I'll never forget you my sweet Lou. I'm so sorry. I love you and I love the kids, but I'm just not ready for all this. I'm sorry. Both sets of the twins are staying at Joss's for the night. I dropped them off. I love you Louis William Tomlinson. I truly do.

Your Logan

Louis was in tears by now. He was already having a rough day with it being the anniversary of Lisa and Carter's death and he had no idea why, but he took that Officer's number out of an old shoe box and he called him. He didn't know why he called him, but he did.

"Hello?" A raspy voice answered.

"Hi, um, is this Officer Harry Styles?" Louis asked, trying to hold back his tears.

"Yes. What can I do for you, mate?" Harry asked.

"Um, this is Louis Tomlinson. You interviewed me the day my parents died three years ago. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I just kind of need someone right now."

"Louis. I remember you. That's three years as of today, innit?" Harry remembered.

"Yeah and my fiance just broke up with me and i just, I don't know why I called. It was kind of stupid. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll g--" Louis was cut off by Harry.

"No, no, it's fine. I'm not doing anything. I'm off today and I just put my kid down for a nap. You aren't bothering me. Continue."

"Well, um, you see, my fiance and I have been together for four years. Since Uni, really. I, um, I don't what I did, but Logan's stuff is gone and his ring is here and he left me a note, but I just don't know what I did wrong." Louis explained, bursting into tears finally.

"You know what, don't cry over him. It's his loss because I know you're a great guy and I'm sure you loved him quite a lot, but he doesn't know what he's missing if he doesn't have you." Harry replied, a smile wiped across his face.

"Thank you, Harry. Thank you." Louis thanked Harry, happy that he called the officer.

From that point on they started talking about anything and everything from Joss being a mum to Harry being a single dad. They talked about their hopes and dreams, their fears and nightmares. Everything under the sun, until they realized that it was nearing the night and Harry had to wake up his daughter for supper, so they hung up after that, but they still kept in touch.

And finally after a year of endless flirting, Louis asked Harry out and they became an item. With Louis bonding with Harry's daughter and Harry fire and babyproofing Louis' flat. Maybe they had met with a raging fire, but they never burnt out. They remained an eternal flame in an infinite amount of time, always blazing and never burning out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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