My Small, Brick Walled Apartment

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In my small, brick walled apartment
There is a girl
A girl with wide eyes, and she is full of wanderlust
That girl is me

In my small, brick walled apartment,
Her voice fills the room
While she sings stupid songs
And dances in nothing but a flannel shirt
Simply because it makes her happy

In my small, brick walled apartment
There are books stacked everywhere
Their fragile pages hold endless excitement
Stories by Edgar Allen Poe, Nick Hornsby, and many more
That momentarily inspired her yearning for adventures

In my small, brick walled apartment
The kettle is already bubbling
She drinks her sweet tea
Which warms her from the inside out
And gives her shivers in a way that make a her smile in a way she hasn't in a while

In my small, brick walled apartment
There is a candle lit
Which gives off an aroma of sweet vanilla
And a light that brings comfort
It makes the small, familiar territory feel even more like a home

In my small, brick walled apartment
There are pictures scattered everywhere
Some photographs, some hand drawn
That remind her of the happy times
And the dark times that she overcame

In my small, brick walled apartment
There is a window and flowers grow on the ledge of it
The flowers, brightly colored, smell sweet and give the room the bit of beauty it was originally missing
And she often peers out the window at the lively city
And wonders what the beautiful boy across the hall is doing

In my small, brick walled apartment
There is a notebook filled with messy writing
Some of it is stories, some of it is poems
But everyday, she writes a list of everyone she knows that loves her
And she makes sure to put her own name at the top every day


a/n: so I've been working on this for a long time lol

and it's really just about what I want my life to be like when I'm older

I was kinda anxious about sharing this but oh whale

ok this is weird bye love you

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