Chapter 8 - confessions

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A/N: So, this is the final chapter of this story. Remember, I have some kind of continuation in mind already. ;) But now, to the breathtaking (I hope so) ending! ;)


Exiting the hotel where the wedding reception took place, Sarah took a deep breath of the chill evening air. It was not late at night but as it was already october the nights were getting quite cold again. Just the right amount of cold to recover from dancing.

"So, what about some sandwiches and a lazy evening in front of the TV?" Richard asked as they approached his car.

"Deal." Sarah smiled and slumped on the passenger seat. She leant back with a soft sigh and kicked of her heels unceremonously. "You don't know what an easy life you're living." She stated when Richard regarded her with a grin and a slight shake of his head at her antics.


"Men in general. No heels," She wiggled her toes, "no tight fitting dresses," she pulled at the hem of her gown, "and the ability to pee without dropping your pants."

Richards booming laughter filled the cabin of the car and Sarah couldn't help but join in.

"Well, I'm sure the ability to cope with these three facts are the true reason why women really should be regarded as the 'strong gender'."


"Hmph." He sniggered and glanced over to her while stopping on a red traffic light. "So, did you enjoy yourself today?"

"Yes. Very much."

When they arrived at Richard's house, he opened the car door for her and she stepped on the driveway, shoes in her hand, her toes twitching on the cold stones.

"You'll ruin your tights!" Richard sniggered.

"There's no way I'm wearing these heels again for the next few days!" Sarah stated solemnly and made her way to the main door.

He unlocked the door and guided her inside with his hand on the small of her back, overwhelmed by the need to touch her. He stooped a little and told her to get comfortable while he was preparing supper.

Sarah went upstairs to change, she decided to get rid of the fancy underwear as well and instead chose some quite plain cotton knickers and a sports bra. Pulling on some yoga pants and a cosy jumper she went to the bathroom to undo her hair and remove the makeup. When she emerged out of the bathroom she heard Richard rummaging in his bedroom and caught a glimpse of him through the door that was slightly ajar. Standing there only wearing some dark boxer briefs, he was searching through some drawers, presumably looking for some fresh socks or a vest. She forced herself to look away and continue her way downstairs without a sigh or a gasp.

Shortly after she heard Richard descending the stairs and they met in the kitchen where he already had prepaired some tea and put some slices of bread, butter and packages with cheese and ham, along with some cucumbers and tomatoes, on the table.

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat so maybe you best prepare your sandwich yourself?"

"Sure, no problem." Sarah smiled and went for cheese, ham and cucumbers and watched Richard pile some ham and tomato slices on his bread.

They took their plates and the tea to the living room and sat on the sofa, each in the opposite corner, plate on their laps, facing each other as good as possible.

Noticing the smirk on her face, Richard asked. "What's so funny?"

Sarah chuckled. "Oh well, you've been the refined gentleman all day and now we're sitting here, casual attire, hanging out on the sofa, having dinner in the living room. Thats some kind of style clash!"

Falling for a British blokeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora