Chapter One

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"Cro! Get your head off a my shoulder!" The slight ginger pressed his weight against that of the older male leaning against him, a look of deep irritation in his jade-green eyes. "You alwways do this to me!"

With a throaty chuckle, the slightly taller and far more muscular of the two shook his head. "I'm not hurtin' you. No harm, no foul, am I right?" His olive black hair was slicked back perfectly, with only a single curl dropping precisely in the centre of his forehead.

"Shut up." The redhead gave another shove before collapsing back onto the couch. "Can you just get up. I don't wwant your nasty hair grease all ovver my scarf."

"Nasty?" The older of the two scoffed at the comment. "I think the vword you're lookin' for is sexy, Chief."

"Sexy? You? Ha!" Voice dripping thickly with sarcasm and a venomous glance caused for a snap in Eridan's mode. "And for fuck's sake, shut up wwith the 'Chief' this an' 'Chief' that shit."

A split second was all that was needed by Cronus to me leaning over the younger of the pair, a mischievousness grin on his face as his fingers gripped the sofa behind the smaller. "And vwhat if I don't?"

"Ummmm...." A deep scarlet raced to his face, every on of the constellation of freckles on his face now pale compared to the flush of blood.

"Um?" The greaser boy chuckled and pulled his face closer, "Vwhat's vwrong Eri, cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up..." The younger of the two tried again, his face now the same colour as his flaming red hair.

A gravely laugh escaped the older boy's mouth as he lowered his face to Eridan's. "Me shut up? Nowv I think it's time you shut up for a bit." His tone was gentle, but there was a look of lust and hunger in his eyes.

The slight nod of Eridan's head was all the encouragement needed by Cronus to close the small gap between them, locking his lips with the smaller.

Eridan didn't think it was possible for his face to grow any hotter than it already had been, but in the next second he was proven wrong. The colour in his cheeks burned so deeply that it looked as though it may stay there forever.

Hey guys! I can't believe people are actually reading this! If you wouldn't mind telling me what you like, hate and/or any suggestions please comment!
Love y'all,

Shut Up! (Humanstuck! Eridan x Cronus)Where stories live. Discover now