Who to Tell

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A/N Please do be aware that these chapters will be really short, won't have it any other way, but no complaining!!! :)

He looked at the tall, handsome owl before him. Brown feathers lying flat, beak perfectly shiny, eyes all consuming black pits of darkness. Vector looked back at him, expectant. Scorpius had wondered about the scroll in his hand for days. He couldn't put it off longer, he needed to tell someone. But was his father the right person to tell first? Visto Zabini had been his friend since child hood, but then again, this news could turn anyone against you, and rumors could spread fast at Hogwarts, and often got twisted out of proportion. No, regardless of whether or not his father really had changed, he would never tell anyone else, even if it was just to save the family name. Despite all of his talk about wizards, witches, muggle borns and muggles all being equal, Scorpius knew his father still had many of his old prejudices, (and many more besides) and that nothing would change for his son. He tied the scroll to Vectors foot and let him out of the window, praying to Merlin for a positive response, even though he knew one would not return. He felt as though a weight should have lifted off his shoulders, but instead he just felt as though an owl had left his hand, and that wasn't quite the same.

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