Chapter 2

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The dreams flowed in once again. Mark was 12. He, Trina, Alec and the rest were climbing up a mountain to get to a nearby village they had heard about. Mark and Trina still couldn't believe what boss had done to Baxter. Alec and Lana had used their military skills to keep them alive for the last couple of weeks and Mark couldn't be more great full. As they journeyed up the mountain, Mark reached for Trina's hand. She took it and squeezed him like there was no tomorrow. And for all they know, there would be no tomorrow. As they came closer to the top, Mark started hearing voices. When they got to the summit, he saw a village of crooked houses made from the nearby trees. When the groups were heading towards the village they saw another group of people running towards them with what looked like shabbily made spears. "These guys look like loons" Alec whispered to Mark. Mark didn't disagree. They looked like the flare had already succumbed their brains.
"Who are you? ", the first guy said.
"And what are you doing here?", said another. They faced them with spears poised at Alec and Lana, who were standing in front of Mark and Trina. "Whoa careful with those things", said Alec. "You could have someone's eye out with that."
The men didn't seem happy at Alec's jokes. "Who are you", he said again, spear still pointed at Alec's throat.
"We just came here to see if this village was real. That's all",Darnell said.
"Real? Of course it's real. You better have a much better reason than that". Mark was unsettled about how the man's voice seemed harmless, when he was pointing a spear at them.
"We heard rumours. That's all," Lana said, giving Darnell a sour look.
"Yeah, " said Alec. The men lowered their spears.
" And why should we let you into this village? " The man smirked.
" Well... me and Lana here have military training and survival skills, "
Alec told him. Mark could see the man thinking about it.
" well, under the circumstances, we could use some more people."
Circumstances? Mark thought. What did he mean?
"Ok. I guess I'll have to let you in
then. "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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