Chapter 1

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As soon as I woke up I smelt it, the sickening smell of gas. I got out of bed shoved on my sweats and went through to my kitchen to investigate, I reach the hob it's off I walk to the stove it's off as well, but the gas smell was stronger than ever.
Then suddenly I hear the alarm at first I thought it was a fire alarm but it was higher and the beeping was slower.

I panic and run back to my bedroom I grab my bag which has my phone, purse and script from my bedside table I slide into a pair of sneakers and I take off...

I stand outside with the rest of my apartment building awaiting any news.
A man walks over to us and says "you have a gas leak and we aren't sure where it is coming from so it is not safe to go in right now" the women who lives in the apartment below me says "how long do we have to wait to go back in" the man replies with "well you won't be going in tonight that's for sure"
Shit what am I going to do I have work in the morning and I have nobody to stay with Torrence is with his fiancée and its their anniversary so I can't disturb them, none of the girls from set are at their houses because they are all at a meet and greet in Sanfran and they would be flying back during the night. The only person that I can think to ask if I can stay with them for the night is Toby, he lives 10 minutes away from me and he lives really close to set, I might as well ask.
I turn on my phone and call him.......

Adelaide and Toby, it was meant to beWhere stories live. Discover now