Chapter 2

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Nanami begins her weekly walk to the Laundry Mart as it's time to wash her school uniform. She only has two outfits left that still fit her. Once she's inside the Laundry Mart, she quickly makes her way to the back, and goes to their restroom. She strips out of her school uniform and into her joggers and lightweight long sleeve shirt.
She then walks out of the bathroom and heads to a washer. She inserts some quarters and dump her school uniform into the washer. She then adds the soap and sets the timer. Then she goes to sit on the chair and wait for her clothes to be ready to dry. When she sits down, she notices the boy from earlier that day. She quickly tries to disguise herself under her long brunette locks.
It's too late. "Hey, is that you, Nanami," his hypnotic voice asks. Nanami freezes and freaks out on the inside that he remembered her name. Then she realizes he's waiting for her to answer, so she answers, "Uh... Yeah..."
"Why are you here?" Tomoe asks. Nanami's eyebrows furrow together, "What do you mean? To wash my clothes, obviously." Tomoe raises an eyebrow, "Why do you have to come here? Did your washer break at home?" Nanami's cheeks turn a dark shade of pink and looks away, sadly. Then her clothes finish washing, and she goes to get them out. She takes them out and puts them in the dryer, and sets the timer on that. Then she notices Tomoe quietly behind her. "Why are you here," she asks. "Because my brother, Mikage, is using our washer at home right now, so I had to come here if I wanted clean clothes for tomorrow," Tomoe says, noting how Nanami avoided his question.
"Is Mikage older than you?" Nanami asks. "Yes, why?" Tomoe replies. "I don't know, I was just wondering because you give me the older brother type of vibe," Nanami explains. "Yeah, I can be a bit over the top, but he seems to be the calm before the storm, as I'm the storm," Tomoe confesses. Nanami giggles and gets up to take her laundry out of the dryer. Tomoe follows and notices how she only had one outfit in there.
"Where's the rest of your clothes?" Tomoe asks. "You really are nosy, you know that?" Nanami spits, irritatedly. "Yup, just like I know you haven't answered almost any of my questions," Tomoe replies smoothly. Nanami feels her face get hotter, and she quickly grabs her stuff and marches out of there. She feels the tears prick at the corner of eyes as she thinks about how he has a family and home. She quickly runs around the corner of the Laundry Mart, towards her tree. She then hears the steady feet of Tomoe's behind her, gaining up on her.
"Go away already," Nanami pleads. "Did I do something to offend you?" Tomoe asks confused and concerned. "You didn't mean to," Nanami replies as she slows down. Tomoe doesn't notice how she had come to a complete stop, and he crashes into her, which sends them spiralling to the ground. Tomoe effortlessly catches Nanami, so she ends up falling onto him. "Sorry," Tomoe mumurs. Nanami blushes harder than she already is and stammers, "I-It's fine." Nanami then jumps off him and dusts off her shirt. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Tomoe asks. Nanami hesitates, but says, "If you could walk me to that tree that we met at the other day, then that'd be great." Tomoe notices the tension, so he doesn't press on why he can only walk her to the tree. "Okay," Tomoe agrees, flashing Nanami his brilliant pearly whites. She blushes again, which makes Tomoe wink at her, and makes her blush harder. He then walks her to the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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