1) Prank Gone Wrong! BAWWWK!!

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Freddy, can you pull a rabbit out of your hat? I dare Chica to pull a prank on Bonnie!xD

Freddy: *takes off hat, reaches into hat, struggles to pull on something, pulls out a mini Bonnie* Taa~Daa!! *does jazz hands*

Bonnie: -.- I'm just gonna go take up nap now...

Chica: *sneaks up on Bonnie, puts shaving cream on hand, tickles nose, sneezes*

Bonnie: *wakes up from sneeze* INTRUDER!!! *slaps chica in the face with cream hand*

Chica: -.- *face palms*

Golden Freddy: You suck at pranks, let me.

Golden Freddy: *grabs phone, dials random number, hangs up*

Golden Freddy: Now that's a prank

Everybody: -.- *face palms*

X-Sunshine-Star-X: I dare you to dance like a chicken

Sunni: Pfff, that's easy! *dances like a chicken* Bok Bok! MY FREAKIN NAME IS CHICA BAWWWWK!!

Kitty: O.o bok! *lays egg from terror*

Chica: You guys are embarrasing! This is offensive! I don't act like that! *dances like a chicken* BAWWWK!!

Golden Freddy: *phone rings* Hel- *SCREAMS, HANGS UP*

Kitty: HAHA! Goldy you got burrned!

Sunni: We need ice for this burn!

Kitty: Haha! Anyways, we should wrap up this chapter now.

Sunni: Yeah! Thanks for reading this guys and please leave some more questions in the comments!:3

Both: Cya!:3 *waves hands like crazy*

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