he tryes to be mad at you (harry)

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You were sitting home wathing tv when you heard the door open and close you call for you boyfriend harry Y/N : harry honey are you okay ? You ask
He lookes angre but you weren't scared
Harry: what the fuck are you doing there come and fucking help me . you nodded and then
you went to see what he was doing and you giggle when you see his finger stuck in a hole he lookes at you upset
Harry: you think it's funny bitch ? This is becouse of you,you are stupid and........
You cut him off by saying
Y/n : well as i know this "bitch" was going to help you but not any more until you say you are sorry
He looks at you and says harry:no way
Y/n:i'm hungre so i'm going to eat you say while turning around but you stop when you hear him say
Harry: no wait i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that . pleas help me . you look at him
Y/n : you have to beg me . you say while holding your laughter
Harry : you got to be kidding me
Y/n: i'm waiting
Harry : pleas help me i dont fell my finger pleas i'm begging you pleas pleas
You run down stares and he criys thinking you dont want to help him but you come into your room with oil and put it around harry's finger and it sliped out of the hole he huged you
Y/n : why are you criying?
Harry : i thought you were going to leave me and that you are not going to help me you look him in the ayes and wissper
Y/n: not even in your dreams
He smiles then stand up and say
Harry : who do you think you are ? Wanting me to beg you ? And say i'm sorry ?
You laugh only making him more mad
Harry: your laughing my finger is blue becose of you your crazy look me in the ayes when i'm talking to you and stand right
You hugged him and sayed
Y/n : i wont do it again i promise
He smiled kissing you softly befor you break the kiss and say
Y/n : that dosen't change that you called me a bitch he smiles and says
Harry : i will do what ever you want
You spend the rest of the night cuddlingand watching movies

He Tryes To Be Made At You (Harry)Where stories live. Discover now