Chapter 1 Family Gathering

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(Authors Note with contest added)

1 Year after the first book left off...

  I was watching home videos from over the last year. It sure was sad watching how my babies have grown. Me and Riker were so proud of them though. Anthony was walking, and boy was he all over the place. Amelia was a little behind on that scale, but nobody appears to be concerned about that. I keep getting told that when she is ready to walk, she will.

  I was still watching the videos when little hands landed on my knee. I looked down and Anthony was watching me. "Mama!" He could scream. I wiped away my tears and picked him up, where his hands found my hoodie string.

  I smiled down at him, he still looked just like Riker. "Hi baby, happy birthday." I kissed the top of his head and softly tickled his tummy. He started to giggle out loud. My babies giggle was my life. Just than Riker came down the stairs and opened the baby gate at the bottom on the stairs. "Hi Daddy."

  As I said that, Anthony looked up. "Dada!" He extended his hands out to Riker. He placed Amelia on my lap and took Anthony. He laid his head on Riker's shoulder and baby sighed. "Dada." He said it as a whisper and rested on Daddy's shoulder. I smiled, Riker returning it.

  He sat down next to me and saw what I was watching. "I still cant believe it Rike, a year old." I stroked Amelia's brunette hair and she rested her head against my chest. Softly I kissed the top of her head. "Happy birthday angel, I love you so much."

  Both my babies have Daddy's eyes, but Amelia looks more like me, with some of Riker to her. Anthony never outgrew his daddy's looks, and I pray he never does. "We should get these two ready, you know Mom will be here early." Riker took me out of my trance.

  "Yeah, I suppose." I looked up at him, trying to hold back tears. "Can we just go back in time, to a year ago tomorrow?" I smiled a little grin. "I would say a year ago today, but I really don't want to go through that again."

  He grinned at me. "Yeah, that was a crazy day, huh?" He kissed my Lil' Riker's head, than leaned over, first kissing Amelia's head, than my cheek. "But this last year has been amazing though. I wouldn't trade a day of it for anything."

  Riker had managed to convince his family to stay off of tour this year, but it wasn't going to last forever though. Eventually he would have to tour again, fans were starting to get anxious. They do love seeing the pictures he and his family posts of the twins though. Like today, for their birthday, they will be all over the internet. Rydel is even bringing her video camera to record an R5TV of their birthday. It will be amazing, she is so good at those.

  Me and Riker got up, bringing the twins upstairs to get them ready for the party. I took Anthony from him and brought both of them to the bathroom to get them ready. While I bathed them, Riker was getting their outfits we bought for today. Once I had them bathed, I wrapped them both in their towels and brought them to their bedrooms. Riker was in Anthony's room, so I handed him to him and went to get Amelia ready.

  Todays outfits were the same, just blue and pink. It included a onzie that said "I am 1 today!" and a pair of jeans shorts and matching socks and converse. Right as I was finishing up with brushing through Amelia's hair, the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" I yelled at Riker. As I walked past the bedroom, I was Riker was having a time and a half getting the shorts on Anthony. He was a hard one to dress, due to the fact that he never sat still. I silently laughed to myself than walked down the stairs, leaving the baby gate open for Riker.

  When I opened the door, Ryland, Erika, Ross, Mallory, Rydel, Ellington and Rocky came in. Rydel handed her purse to Ellington, and reached out for Amelia. "There's my little birthday girl!" I laughed and let Rydel take her from me.

Coincidently Meant To Be (Sequel to Coincidently In Love)Where stories live. Discover now