Ashes to Ashes

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Fire had glazed the roads of Lordaeron with smoke and ash. The kingdom's people had been corrupted with violence and vengeance. And those who didn't have corrupted souls, ran in fear. The descendants of the Lightbringers were in the streets fighting one another. Mothers and others tried desperately to get the orphans out of the orphanages' burning building, but while doing so the building collapsed killing whoever was in there instantly, or for the unlucky, suffocation from smoke.

"Kill them all..." whispered a voice in the distance. It seemed to have a familiarity to it, but couldn't be placed with a face.

The fighting between the descendants grew fiercer. Bodies upon bodies laid on top of one another. Blood had stained the streets with a bright red tone.

"Kill them all." repeated the voice louder.

The humans seemed to be getting angrier with one another. Knights finally arrived to try to calm things down, and surronded the citizens. All was about to end, until a stray arrow hit and downed one of the knight's horses. The horse screeched in pain, causing the riot to break loose again. The citizens started to attack the knights, even severing some of their heads.

"KILL...THEM...ALL..." at this point the voice was screaming.

And then stood a young man in the middle of the street, in the middle of all the chaos, wielding his sword, Ashbringer. The man was one of the first to be corrupted, and the last of the descendants of the Lightbringer family to still be alive.


Unith awoke frantically. He woke up with a puddle of sweat and heavily breathing. It had just been another one of his recurring nightmares of that day. he laid back down and sighed.

"Just another nightmare," he sighed. "It's been a couple years now, why can't I just forget about that damn day and move on..."

He shot back up in his bed and got up to put on some clothes. He headed down stairs and walked out the door.

"Alright, I'm heading out m-" He cut off,looked back inside, and then closed the door. It'd been a couple years, but some habits never stop.

Unith walked the usual path he took in the morning in the Argent Tournament grounds. He moved there a year ago after the incident happened, excluding himself from everyone he knew in the past, not just for their safety but for his, too.
He finally arrived at his normal stop in the morning, the graveyard. It's where all of his friends and family were buried and a handful of other people. He put flowers he collected on the way up there on each grave in remembrance. One on his brothers, his cousins, his best friends, until he got to his parents. He paused for a moment, and then bowed his head in sorrow.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered, struggling to hold back a few tears.

After a couple minutes he looked back up and started to walk away until he spotted an unfamiliar grave. He went to the grave and it was covered in cobwebs and dust. He brushed it off and looked what was on it.

"Here lies Mythaania Silverspear. Perished: December 27th alongside her pet and companion, Loque'Nahak. Birth: January 10th, in the Night Elf capital Darnassus. " That date...She was there when it all happened. Unith tried to remember who she was but had no recollection of her name or a face.

Then Unith heard a thud as if someone had fallen, and turned around quickly. All he saw was a bright glowing speck for a split second then it vanished. Unith inspected the area for a couple minutes trying to figure out what it was, and then shrugged it off as being his imagination. He headed back to his house and rested for the remainder of the day. He didn't do much with his days after the incident, just enough for him to make a living. People in the area seemed to like Unith but he didn't communicate with others well, but still helped out when someone was hurt, it was the least he could do. The whole point of him going to Argent Tournament was to try to redeem himself, even if it was just one person at a time. After the accident and the Scourge, he could never go back to his kingdom.

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